The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 895 What a Fun Together 3 People

Chapter 895 What a Fun Three People Together
Ye Laiyin was thinking about finishing the work in the field as soon as possible so that he could go up the mountain to pick fruits, so he kept working in the field until it was dark.

When the three masters went to the river to wash their faces with their sickles, they heard roars from the back mountain. The sound of beasts had not been heard in the village for some years. The three masters were a little surprised and hurried back home. After closing the door, they were not in a hurry to eat for a while, and they all gathered in the main room to talk about things.

Mrs. Wang had already set up the meals, she just thought that He Xiner had been staying in the Xikua courtyard and was thinking of calling someone, when the little girl Wang Jinling jumped into the main room.

Seeing the second aunt, she said crisply: Sister Xin'er went to Cuizhi's house in the afternoon, and might come back for dinner at night.

After hearing this, Mrs. Wang didn't think much about it, and said casually, "Then there are ferocious beasts roaring in the mountain, your Aunt Liu will definitely not agree to her coming back."

The little girl Wang Jinling nodded, expressing her agreement with her statement, and said with some jealousy that Sister Xin'er would not take her when she went out to play, which made Mrs. Wang burst into laughter, and hugged her gently in her arms to coax her.

Thus, little Wang Jinling successfully completed the task assigned to her by Ye Xusheng without arousing anyone's suspicion.

She thought about going to Dongkua courtyard to sleep at night, hehe, how fun it is for the three of them to be together.

She really likes big cousin, hehe...

It's a pity, Mrs. Wang was afraid that she would be scared alone, so she ran to the west wing to accompany her. The little girl repeatedly emphasized that Dabai was here, and she would do it alone.

But it's useless, and it can't change Wang's mind at all.

Just like that, the little girl's plan to sneak to Dongkuayuan was aborted.

The frightened He Xiner had no appetite, she was coaxed by Ye Xusheng to eat a piece of cake and drink a glass of water, expressing that she couldn't take any more.

He Xiner was really frightened. Although the old Mrs. Ma was cruel and merciless, she was just an old lady from a farmer. Even if the big brother didn't keep up, she could still deal with him with her flexibility, or find someone Chances run away.

So, she is not afraid.

But today's masked man, the thick murderous intent released from his cold eyes makes people shudder, he is an out-and-out killer!
"Big brother, why do you think that man wanted to kill me?"

Asking this question made Ye Xusheng's heart tremble. He was afraid that He Xiner would be afraid, so he didn't ask about the situation at that time in detail.

He Xiner sat on the kang head and was surrounded by a thin quilt, covering her tightly, only her slapped face was exposed outside, as if wrapping herself into a silkworm chrysalis would make her feel more at ease.

The already fair and tender little face is now a little pale, the big red and swollen eyes are cloudy and hazy, and the pitiful little appearance is endearing.

Ye Xusheng wet a cotton towel with cold water, and prepared to apply it to her eyes.

"Lean on the pillow and talk, big brother will give you a cold compress, otherwise tomorrow morning, your eyes will be swollen into little peaches."

"Big brother making fun of others~"

"Brother is wrong, I will compensate you."

"No, I'm not that stingy."

With Ye Xusheng's natural and relaxed attitude, He Xin'er, who was so tense, also relaxed a lot, obediently lying on the big pillow, and letting the eldest brother rub your eyes.

"Big brother, I'm afraid..."

The two of them remained silent until Ye Xusheng removed the cotton towel, and He Xiner opened her eyes and looked at him intently.

With the pure and clear eyes like a small animal, there was a hint of timidity and all kinds of dependence. Ye Xusheng's heart was agitated, he sank a little, and said slowly, "Xin'er, don't worry, big brother will protect you."

"Well, I believe in the eldest brother."

He Xin'er smiled sweetly, adjusted her mood, and then learned everything from the beginning to the end of what happened in the afternoon to her eldest brother.

"Xin'er don't think about anything, get a good night's sleep, everything has a big brother."


(End of this chapter)

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