Chapter 896 How do you feel

There were two candles lit in the room, the light was bright, Ye Xusheng was still worried, he was afraid that He Xiner would wake up and find him, he would be afraid, so he sat quietly until Haishi, seeing that the person was indeed asleep, and then went out gently , Over the wall and went to Zhang's house.

But they didn't dare to delay for a long time. The three of them made a total calculation, but they couldn't find any valuable clues for the time being. Everything can only be imagined out of thin air. Therefore, it is difficult to draw conclusions.

Ye Xusheng was frowning for a while, feeling very bored, took the tranquilizing pill that Dong Qiang gave him, and hurried back home.

When he entered the room, he heard He Xiner sobbing, thinking he had a nightmare.

Ye Xusheng hastily stepped forward to wake him up, "Xiner, Xiner, wake up."


He Xiner suddenly opened her eyes, panting heavily.


She dreamed of a giant wearing a bronze mask, who caught her and threw her into a cauldron to boil. The water was sometimes cold and sometimes hot, and her body was sometimes icy and sometimes hot...

"Xin'er, don't be afraid, take the medicine..."

"What medicine?"

He Xiner's voice was a little hoarse, and her eyes were full of refusal. She was most afraid of taking medicine, the bitter soup was so unpalatable.

"Anshen Pills, please dissolve it with water and add honey, it's not bitter."

"Well, thank you big brother."

Touching her forehead lightly, it didn't feel hot. Ye Xusheng heaved a sigh of relief, quickly boiled water to dissolve the pills, let it cool down a bit, added a spoonful of honey, carefully fed He Xiner, and then brought water for her to drink , and then gently coaxed the little girl to sleep.

But He Xin'er didn't dare to sleep anymore, because she was afraid that she would dream of being captured by a giant again, so she tried her best to hold her eyes and talk to him, Ye Xusheng had to accompany her.

While chatting all the time, I saw the little girl with her eyes glued together, her head shaking from sleepiness and refusing to lie down, feeling distressed and funny at the same time.

Gently caught the little girl who was swaying from side to side, helped her to lie down, covered her with a thin quilt, the candle was not blown out, and closed her clothes by herself to rest at the end of the kang.

The Anshen Pill prepared by Zhang Dongqiang has the effect of calming the heart and calming the nerves, clearing away heat and nourishing the blood. It is mainly used to treat palpitations and convulsions. He Xiner drank the medicine, no more nightmares, and slept peacefully until dawn.

After a deep sleep, she finally regained her energy. He Xin'er felt that there was nothing wrong with her whole body.

"Brother in the lobby."

Hearing the sound, Ye Xusheng got up in an instant. He was used to getting up at Yinshi. Although he had agreed not to go to the Zhang family to practice martial arts today, he still woke up at that o'clock. He was just afraid of disturbing He Xiner, so he continued to lie at the end of the kang Close your eyes and rest.

"Xin'er, how do you feel?"

"Hehe, refreshed."

Ye Xusheng was overjoyed, as long as it's okay.

After fetching water to wash her, and brushing her hair, he said, "I'll go to the backyard and see if Second Aunt isn't there to call you again."


Because she was going to her grandma's house today, her father went to the town early to deliver the goods. At this time, he had already left, but there was no rush for breakfast at home. Her mother should accompany her cousin.

Sure enough, He Xiner was not wrong, there was no one in the backyard, so she quietly left the house from the side door, first went to say hello to Cuizhi, and then she said goodbye and went home.

Yesterday, a brother in the lobby gave her cold compresses to her eyes and took tranquilizing pills. There is nothing wrong with her spirit or appearance~
Well, that's great.

"My darling, are you here to pick up my sister?"

As soon as she left Cuizhi's house, she bumped into Dabai. He Xiner immediately cheered up, ran up and hugged Dabai's neck, smiling brightly.

Cuizhi saw it and sent her out, envious.

In the days that followed, Dabai never left his side. Whether He Xiner went to her mother's house or at her own home, Dabai was always by her side.

Even if He Xiner was in the room, Dabai would lie on the bluestone brick at the door and wait for her.

The well-deserved protector~
(End of this chapter)

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