The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 906 What Does This Mean?

Chapter 906 What Does This Mean?

Early in the morning, after Ye Laijin helped load the ox cart, he was busy watering the vegetables. When Ye Xusheng came to call him, he realized that it was getting late.

Knowing that the mule cart was waiting outside the door, Ye Laijin hurriedly changed his clothes, tidied up, and urged Xiaoqian to go out, but the other party said he was hungry and wanted to eat.

Annoyed, Ye Laijin gave her a hard look, and told Ye Feifeng to bring a few steamed buns, so that he could rest when he was hungry.

Xiaoqian opened his mouth, but he didn't stop him.

So, all five members of Dafang boarded the mule cart and set off for Pingning Town.

After the old Qian Shi and Ye Guihua finished washing and sat down to eat breakfast, they found that there were only the old couple plus the daughter and Wang Shi in the whole dining room, and they immediately felt unhappy, and no one of them took her seriously. Ah, there's something wrong with not even saying hello to her, there's no rules at all...

Not to mention how angry old Qian was, nor how He Xiner forced herself to go shopping with her little sisters, but only said that when Dafang and his party arrived in the town, Ye Xusheng had a clear goal and asked people to park the car in Huichun Hall entrance.

This move made Ye Laijin's heart beat, and Xiao Qian and Ye Feifeng were also puzzled, didn't they say it was easy to go shopping?

It was rare in a hundred years, Ye Xusheng was able to come out and propose to take them to the town, Xiaoqian and Ye Feifeng were overjoyed, and early excitedly planned a bunch of things to buy.

But, how did you bring them to Huichuntang?

Ye Xusheng suppressed the uneasiness in his heart, and said in a deep voice that it was the second younger brother's full moon banquet. Shopkeeper Zhao and Doctor Dou specially prepared generous gifts to celebrate, with deep affection.

Now that they are in town, they should take their second brother to pay their respects.

This can barely be said.

But Ye Laijin always felt that the eldest son's eyes were twinkling, and he was not telling the truth.

Sure enough, the whole family entered Huichun Hall, and just after exchanging a few words with shopkeeper Zhao and Doctor Dou, the elder son directly asked Doctor Dou to take the pulse of the younger son.

Ye Laijin couldn't help his heart beating wildly. How can country children pay attention to safety pulse?

Doctor Dou has always liked Ye Xusheng, seeing what he said, he even praised him as a good brother, careful and thoughtful.

Because he looked at the little baby with clear eyes and a good complexion, there was nothing wrong with it, so he didn't take it seriously.

But when he put his hand on the baby's tiny wrist, he soon realized something was wrong.

Ye Laijin stared closely at Doctor Dou, seeing that the smile on his face faded and became more and more serious, his heart was beating wildly and almost jumped out of his throat.

"Congenital deficiencies, deficiency of kidney essence, blockage of the mind, loss of support for the mind..."

Even if I don't understand the other words, but the words "I don't understand" are hammered heavily on my heart, and my eyes suddenly turn black, and I feel dizzy...

"What do you mean 'mindless'? What does that mean?"

Similarly, Xiaoqian also sensitively grasped the four key words, immediately jumped up from the stool, and screamed at the top of his lungs...

With a dark face, Ye Xusheng quickly hugged his younger brother, looking at the white and tender younger brother in his arms, he almost burst into tears.

He can't cry!

This kind of thing hits parents even harder.

He must keep calm!

Shopkeeper Zhao sighed again and again, and comforted Ye Laijin with some kind words. Doctor Dou also said that the child is still young, as long as he persists in the treatment, there may be a slight improvement.

Ye Laijin was quite sensible, and tried to find out the cause of the disease and how to treat it carefully.

"Wuhui children often experience external evils during pregnancy, fall injuries, mental stimulation, wrongly taking drugs, etc., which damage the fetal element, leading to congenital deficiency of kidney essence and brain loss..."

Xiaoqian's face turned pale, and she trembled into a ball, fearing that her husband would suddenly get violent and beat her up.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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