The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 907 He needs to work hard to earn money

Chapter 907 He needs to work hard to earn money
For a person like Xiaoqian, when something happens, the first thing that comes to mind is himself. All he can think about is that she gave birth to a stupid son, whether her in-laws and husband-in-law will divorce her, and she will be an old lady in the future, absolutely not. Abandoned~
Right now Ye Laijin is like frying oil, how can I care about her, all my energy is devoted to my youngest son, listening attentively to Dr. Dou explaining the cause and treatment plan, I only hate myself for being ignorant and unable to understand, my eyes roll out of anxiety Zi Chihong...

"Massaging the acupoints of Baihui, Sishencong, Shangxing, Shenting, Yintang, Neiguan, Hegu, Tongli, etc. can refresh the brain, relieve the throat and open the tone..."

"Tortoise shell, medlar, walnut kernel tonify kidney yin and kidney yang, nourish marrow and essence; sealwort, Yizhiren replenish qi and invigorate spleen; Shichangpu, Yuanzhi reduce phlegm and resuscitate; redness, angelica nourishes blood and activates blood, breaks stasis and resolves stagnation... "

(Excerpt from TCM Dialectical Autism Syndrome)

In ancient times, there was no theory of autism syndrome, and ancient doctors called it "child fainting", "slow speech", "no wisdom", "weak fetus" and so on.

Doctor Dou believes that the treatment of such diseases requires a three-pronged approach, with acupuncture and moxibustion as the main treatment for the head, massage to stimulate acupoints, medicinal soup as supplements, and language training.

It's just that the disease is difficult to cure fundamentally. The purpose of treatment is only to improve the children's abilities in all aspects, and to promote their environmental adaptability and self-care ability.

Moreover, the treatment cycle is quite long, requiring a lot of manpower, material and financial resources...

After listening to a lot of things in the cloud, Ye Laijin's mind was numb, as if he had aged ten years suddenly, and the wrinkles at the corners of his eyes had deepened a bit. He forced the panic in his heart, and said in a hoarse voice, "Son. I will trouble Dr. Dou."

"The sooner this disease is diagnosed and treated, the better the effect. The old man is now ready to give acupuncture."

Ye Laijin burst into tears. The youngest son was only six months old, so weak, how could he stand the pain of being pierced in the brain?
Xiaoqian was frightened and stupid, and Ye Feifeng tried her best to reduce her sense of presence, neither of them could count on it.

Ye Laijin, on the other hand, felt sorry for his son's hardships, not to mention the pain in his heart, and his hands kept trembling. It was Ye Xusheng who kept his composure, hardened his heart, imprisoned his weak brother, and cooperated with Doctor Dou in administering acupuncture.

It's just that Ye Xusheng felt distressed when he saw his younger brother suffering.

Since the eldest son hugged the youngest son and followed Doctor Dou into the treatment room, Ye Laijin felt like he was on fire, his whole body was burning with pain. Shopkeeper Zhao repeatedly comforted him, saying that there is such a good brother as Sheng boy, even if the child is simple-minded After a little, I can't afford to suffer...

Shopkeeper Zhao said a lot of words like this, but Ye Laijin didn't like it, so he reluctantly answered a few words.

He knew that the elder son was a good one, but he just felt sorry for the younger son.

After Doctor Dou finished administering the needles, Ye Xusheng handed over his younger brother to his father, and asked them to wait for Doctor Dou to prescribe the medicine, then he went to the livestock market and bought a strong mule. All together.

He used the money from the sale of the recipes back then, which he intended to save for Xin'er, but now for the sake of his younger brother, he had to embezzle it first.

In the case of the second brother, there will only be more places to spend money in the future, and he needs to work hard to earn money.

Ye Laijin is also eager to make money.

Seeing a doctor and taking medicine in this era, but the big flower item, Rao Huichuntang gave a certain discount, and the cost of the medicine for a month was nearly ten taels of silver, plus the acupuncture treatment was not a small sum of money.

The most important thing is that this disease does not show results in one or two months, as time goes by, the cost will only increase...

The father and father sincerely thanked Shopkeeper Zhao and Doctor Dou, and made an appointment for the next day's acupuncture time, and left with Liujin in their arms. Xiaoqian's wife shrank and quickly followed.

(End of this chapter)

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