The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 908 I Don’t Know What’s Wrong

Chapter 908 I Don’t Know What’s Wrong

By the way, Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian finished delivering the vegetables for the day, and drove back to Yejia Village without waiting for He Xiner and the others.

They still have to pick wild fruits when they go back, and time is very precious.

A few girls brought Dabai with them, and they were accompanied by Mancang, so there was nothing to worry about.

Therefore, when Dafang's family of five returned home, Ye Laiyin had already gone into the mountains and was not at home.

Ye Xusheng drove the mule cart into the backyard through the side door, and before the cart stopped, Xiao Qian hurriedly jumped out of the cart and ran back to the east wing without even looking at the young son in the husband's arms.

Ye Laijin felt sad and had no time to care about her.

Carefully holding the youngest son out of the car, he stood upright in the yard watching the eldest son unload the frame. The usually prudent man was panicked and at a loss.

It is difficult to face the old father.

Ye Feifeng looked at her father timidly, and went back to the east wing silently.

Although He Xiner, who was worried, accompanied Yuanyuan and the others to go shopping, her mind was already far away, and her mind was distracted from time to time. It was also Yuanyuan and Cuizhi who were happy and didn't notice what was wrong with her.

And when little Wang Jinling arrived in the town, she was even more excited, chattering so happily that she naturally couldn't care about her.

Only Ye Mancang saw that she was not in high spirits, and asked twice, He Xiner smiled and said she was fine.

After Yuanyuan and Cuizhi bought a bunch of things and had a good time playing, Ye Mancang rented a mule cart with carriages, and all the talents returned with a full load.

He Xiner and her sister didn't buy many things, so they got out of the car with Dabai when they arrived at Nanbei Street, and waved goodbye to several people with a small bag.

"Ah! Stop hitting! Huh..."

"My old Ye's family has lost all the face of you bitch! My old lady beat you to death!"

As soon as the two sisters walked into the front yard, they heard old Qian's scolding and little Qian's crying from the east wing. He Xiner quickly took her cousin to the west courtyard and told her to stay in the room and not go out .

He took Dabai to find her mother by himself.

Her grandma scolded people, it was as bad as it sounded, but she couldn't make her dirty little cousin's ears.

The vitriolic shouts resounded throughout Old Ye's house. He Xiner listened to it, and she could hear what was going on as she spouted obscenities.

He Xin'er felt a faint uneasiness in her heart, so she quickened her steps. Her grandma's mood was particularly out of control today, and her yelling and cursing were about to lift the roof...


Turning into the aisle from the front yard to the back yard, she saw her mother rushing towards her head, and He Xiner trotted to meet her.

"Xin'er, are you back?"

Seeing her daughter, Wang's extremely troubled face beamed with joy.

"Mom, don't go!"

"Oh, I don't know what's going on~"

"Mother doesn't know?"

"I have been cooking in the kitchen, and suddenly I heard a donkey braying, and I was a little puzzled. When I went out to look, I saw that there were more mules in the backyard. I didn't understand what was going on, so I heard the first mule. gone."

He sighed secretly.

He Xiner had a vague guess.

In my heart, Mrs. Wang didn't want to meddle in Mrs. Qian's business, so she didn't move at first, she just hid in the kitchen and pretended not to hear.

As the yelling escalated, especially Xiaoqian's crying became more and more shrill, and Wang couldn't stand it any longer.

In the past few years since the turn of the new year, the family has been going smoothly. She really can't figure out what kind of madness is going on with her mother-in-law.

Although she doesn't want to see Lao Shizi's sister-in-law, she is still the elder nephew's mother, and she is still nursing the younger nephew. If the mother-in-law beats her up badly, the younger nephew will suffer~
"Mum, listen to me and don't meddle. My grandma is angry now. I'm afraid she will suffer if I go."


He Xiner listened attentively. Amidst her high-pitched yelling and cursing, she occasionally heard the voice of persuasion from the eldest brother. It turned out that the eldest brother was always there.

(End of this chapter)

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