Chapter 909

Gradually the yelling and scolding became quieter, only Xiaoqian's weeping.

He Xiner dragged her mother to the kitchen to talk quietly, but she didn't say a word about her guess.

The situation in the front yard was unknown, and the two women avoided getting involved, and did not move for a while after lunch was ready.

After all, it is a family, how can it be completely avoided.

Soon, Wang's mother and daughter knew the whole story, and they were too shocked to speak.

These days, Lao Ye's family is full of good things, and they always look happy. The proud old Ye Tou is suddenly hit by this, just like Ye Laijin. Yes, he is ten years old quickly, and the wrinkles on his face have deepened. I can't laugh anymore.

But old Qian cursed and blamed Xiaoqian for all his grandson's problems, hated her for giving birth to a stupid grandson for Lao Ye's family, it was embarrassing, and he tossed Xiaoqian several times in a short time.

The entire Old Ye family was covered like a dark cloud, and the air pressure was low.

The head of the family, Ye Tou, was in a heavy heart, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin were not much better, and the family didn't even have lunch.

Old Qian and his wife were so hungry that they couldn't stand it, so they ran to the kitchen to get some food to eat, and then continued to make trouble with Little Qian.

When Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi came to the door, they keenly sensed the strange atmosphere in the old Ye's house. They looked at each other, and they both quickened their pace and quickly went to Xikuayuan.

Both of them were sensible, and they didn't ask in detail what happened, they just quietly served the wild fruit, and stopped playing and playing with He Xiner and sister.

After the fruits were harvested, the two left quietly without making a sound.

The family was originally smooth sailing for Tim Ding Wangcai, but when this incident happened suddenly, Ye Dahe, the head of the family, was deeply shocked, and he was extremely angry with Xiaoqian, wishing he could just divorce him.

Finally, he has not completely lost his mind, knowing that the little grandson is still young and cannot live without his mother.

Besides, in the days to come, the little grandson will go to the town for acupuncture and moxibustion treatment, and it is the time to employ people. If the bitch is driven away, it will be a torment to his own son.

After thinking about this, Ye Dahe suppressed his anger and stopped the yelling old Qian Shi, making such a big commotion, he was not afraid of scaring his little grandson anymore.

The little grandson's illness needs to be cured, and life must go on.

After a while, Lao Yetou summoned the whole family and gave an order that no one should disclose the matter of his grandson's illness, otherwise he would be kicked out of the house.

Everyone responded in unison.

Then, the matter was settled like this, and the whole family worked together to keep Liu Jin's secret.

Oh, from now on, Liu Jin has a name, Ye Xuyang.

Old Yetou personally chose the name.

"Let's make dinner at the second family's house, and live your life as you want."

Old Yetou was clearly exhausted, but as he said, life had to go on, and it was useless to always be so depressed.

It's just that after this kind of thing happened, Lao Ye's family was no longer jubilant as before, and everyone was cautious, not daring to speak loudly.

That night, after discussing with his wife and daughter, Ye Laiyin took 100 taels of silver note and sent it to his elder brother. Ye Laijin refused repeatedly and had to accept it.

Because of the busy farming season, when Ye Xusheng drove the mule cart home, he did not attract the attention of the villagers, but Ye Laijin drove the mule cart to the town every day. Soon, the villagers knew that the old Ye family had bought mule cart.

This fact is simply too shocking, like pouring ice water into a boiling oil pan, it explodes instantly!
Everyone seemed to have seen the frying pan explode, causing their eyes to hurt.

All of a sudden, there were all kinds of arguments, and there was a lot of noise.

Lao Ye's family has contracted out the work of planting wheat, and the father and the others don't go to the fields, so naturally they don't hear the comments from outsiders, and they just close the door and live a low-key life.

Xiaoqian, who used to love to show off and show off, except that she carried her youngest son to Huichun Hall for treatment every day, stayed in the room with her tail between her legs and dared not see anyone at all other times.

(End of this chapter)

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