The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 910 Osmanthus Go Call That Bitch

Chapter 910 Osmanthus Go Call That Bitch

He Xiner knew that the lobby was depressed, but she couldn't comfort her with words, so she wanted to read and write together at night as before, and silently accompany the lobby brother.

But I ran to Dongkua courtyard several times in a row, but I couldn't find anyone, and I didn't know what the lobby brother was busy with recently, so I couldn't be free at night.

He Xiner was secretly puzzled.

I guess the big brother has something important to do, so if she doesn't say anything, she won't be able to ask more.

In the dull atmosphere of Lao Ye's house, the little sisters of He Xin'er stopped laughing and laughing, and devoted themselves to tending wild fruits every day, quietly making a fortune.

It's just that Dabai has become busy and has almost no time to spend with He Xiner. Fortunately, He Xiner doesn't go anywhere, so there is nothing wrong with it.

Ye Laijin is the busiest person in the whole family. He has to go to Huichun Hall with his youngest son in the morning, and he has to take care of the vegetable garden when he returns home. When he has free time, he takes Dabai to the mountains to hunt. He is so busy every day that he never touches the ground.

And Ye Xusheng is also a dragon who never sees the end, and is almost never at home at night, so he doesn't know what he is busy with.

Similarly, Ye Laiyin is not idle. Now the business of leek moss has stopped, but the business of soybean sprouts and mung bean sprouts is also busy enough. He will send several large bamboo baskets to the town and help his daughter Picking wild fruits, I wish I could grow two more hands.

In this way, the entire Lao Ye family was busy in a gloomy atmosphere, and the days passed quickly.

First, the mountain was blocked by heavy snow, the wild fruit business came to an end, and the garlic yellow in the vegetable shed could be harvested one after another, and Gongzhong finally had a large income again.

Although Xiao Xuyang spends a lot of money every day, fortunately, the old Ye family is well-off, and the supply of money is sufficient, which will not delay his treatment.

In the twelfth lunar month, He Xiner reluctantly sent her little cousin home, and then stayed at home every day to help with the bean sprouts and prepare three meals a day.

She can't help with the little cousin's affairs at all, she can only do what she can, so that everyone who is tired all day can eat more comfortably.

Until now, He Xiner hadn't thought about Xiao Xusheng's autism.

In addition, after Xiao Xuyang was diagnosed with the disease, Xiaoqian stayed in the house every day, and did not show up easily, and even let Ye Feifeng bring meals to the house.

Naturally, the big guy didn't even meet Xiao Xuyang a few times.

Old Qian was out of sight and out of mind, and what Little Qian did was exactly what she wanted.

And Lao Yetou was sad in his heart, and he didn't dare to face that immature face.

In the eyes of the villagers, the old Ye's family is undoubtedly beautiful. A bullock cart and a mule cart are running around the town, and they may be doing a big business, which is really enticing.

But Lao Ye's family is gloomy and gloomy, and the air pressure is low. At the end of the year, there is no joy.

No matter how you say it, it's a new year, not to mention that last year the family was so lively, this year it's not easy to keep a low profile, Ye Laiyin bought a lot of firecrackers as usual, and also bought two boxes of fireworks extravagantly, and bought a lot of other things.

On New Year's Eve, Ye Laiyin took Ye Xusheng and He Xin'er to hang red lanterns under the eaves, and pasted couplets on all the doors inside and out.

At a glance, the whole Old Ye family is booming, which is quite festive.

After lunch, Mrs. Wang brought basins, panels, vegetable bowls and other items as usual, and went to the upper room to make dumplings with her mother-in-law and sister-in-law.

Old Qian patiently made more than a dozen dumplings, and suddenly became angry, and slammed the dumpling wrappers on the panel, and said in a rough voice, "Osmanthus fragrans, go and call that bitch!"

The movements in Wang's hands froze.

In the past six months, the mother-in-law has beaten and scolded the sister-in-law a lot, and even called her a slut, that's fine, but now it's Chinese New Year, it's not good to make a fuss after all.

"Finally, the family is a little happy, mother, don't make trouble, it's not bad enough..."

Wang looked at her sister-in-law in surprise, and couldn't believe that she said this.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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