Chapter 914
Four red candles were lit in the dining room, and the room was brightly illuminated by the dancing candles. He Xiner's eyes were clear and bright, and her smile was pure and sincere, with inexplicable appeal. Old Yetou looked at her with joy, and his heavy expression gradually loosened .

"Well, the second girl is right."

Ye Xusheng raised his eyebrows lightly. His second uncle said several words, but it was not as effective as Xin Er's words.

"Then have a few more drinks, and ask the lobby brother to show us more of his stunts."

"Okay, listen to the second girl."

Facing the smiling He Xiner, Lao Yetou couldn't help but speak lightly, and even smiled lightly.

The dark clouds above everyone's heads finally dissipated, and the atmosphere suddenly became much more relaxed.

No matter what, it was the Chinese New Year, and on such a happy day, Lao Yetou didn't want to keep his face sullen, so he took his two sons to drink, and after three glasses of wine, his heavy and airless heart gradually relaxed a lot.

It is said that nine out of ten people who are unsatisfactory in life.

How many people in this world are truly smooth and free from worries?
Now the life of the family is the first in the whole Ye family village. Even if the younger grandson is dull, but with the eldest grandson, no one dares to bully him.

Besides, when the eldest grandson obtains fame in the examination and becomes an official, who would dare to look down on his old Ye family?
There is no shortage of money in the left and right families, and it will not be a big deal to buy a daughter-in-law for the grandson in the future.

After comforting himself for a while, Lao Yetou was finally really happy, seeing that the table served by Er Yatou was no worse than that in the big restaurant.

Think of him as an old farmer, who can catch up with the old man of the landlord's old rich family with what he can eat. People must be content and cherish their blessings~
"Come on, the eldest grandson pours it himself. By the way, pour a glass for the second girl. This girl is a drinker. Pour them all and have a drink with the master."

Good guy, it doesn't matter if Lao Yetou is happy, He Xiner is almost crying~
Her father said it was strong wine, strong wine!

"Haha, don't worry, Xin'er, Dad has prepared everything for you."

Father is not cheating on the baby anymore?

"What is Dad preparing for?"

Ye Laiyin smiled without answering, got up and took a small wine jug from the drawer, opened the kraft paper seal, and a very light and sweet aroma slowly wafted away.

It made He Xiner very curious, so she came closer and sniffed vigorously.

"Is this fruit wine?"

"Hey, my daughter is smart. The waiter in the hotel said that this is called wine. It was passed from foreign countries to our Ming Dynasty. It is said that many dignitaries like this wine, and they also said that this wine is not good for drinking."

He Xiner was overjoyed, thanked her father happily, poured a glass for all the women in the family, and tried it out.

Xiaoqian looked up quickly and swept around, especially the father-in-law and the husband-in-law, both of whom looked happy. After sweeping away the heavy and dullness before, they became bolder and no longer held their arms tightly to pretend to be quail.

Seeing that the second child was fully prepared and thoughtful, Lao Yetou was a little happier, and joked with a smile, "Second girl, don't drink it all up. I'm old, and I haven't drunk Laoshizi wine yet."

"Hey, keep this small half jar for me, let me drink enough."

As a result, the atmosphere got a little better.

The old Qian and his wife were also happily tasting the wine. They had never even heard of it before. Grapes can also make wine. Today is really an eye-opener.

Good wine, good food, and a great day, everyone is in the mood, no longer restrained, eating and drinking occasionally talking and laughing, quite relaxed and comfortable.

"Big brother, shall we set off firecrackers later?"

"Alright, take Dabai."


He Xiner was greedy for the aroma of wine, she drank three glasses in a row, she was a little tipsy, her pretty face was flushed, and she looked extraordinarily beautiful under the candlelight.

(End of this chapter)

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