The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 915 The Children of the Stars

Chapter 915 The Children of the Stars

Ye Xusheng saw her smile blurred, it was very funny, this girl drank the fruit wine as juice~
"Have a quick cup of tea."

"Thank you big brother."

He Xiner smiled sweetly at him, held the teacup and drank it clean, the room was warm, and she felt a little stuffy after drinking again.

Putting down the teacup, He Xiner, who wanted to do some exercise, walked to the small wooden bed unknowingly.

I haven't seen my little cousin for some days, and the ten-month-old little cousin has grown a lot. He is wearing a set of big red printed cotton clothes, which makes him look white and tender, very cute~
Because of Xiao Qian's incomprehensible behavior, He Xiner was very careful on weekdays and never hugged her little cousin. Later, Xiao Xuyang was diagnosed with illness, and Xiao Qian took her son to nest in the house every day, and He Xiner was even more It's rare to see my little cousin a few times.

Perhaps it was because of drinking, He Xiner was inexplicably impulsive and wanted to hug her little cousin.

just forget it.

He just drank wine and didn't know how heavy it was in his hands. If he bumped into his little cousin, it's not a joke.

"Xuyang, let's see what's interesting in my cousin's hands?"

At some point, Ye Xusheng also came to him, standing behind He Xiner, silently watching her tease his own brother.

"This is called a rattle. It's fun. Would Xu Yang want to play?"

The little girl's voice is soft, soft, and somewhat childish~
The rattle in the middle was gently turning, changing its position up and down, left and right, He Xiner tried to attract Xiao Xuyang's attention.

But no matter how she teased her, the little guy still stared at the burning red candle expressionlessly, turning a blind eye to the rattle in her hand.

He Xiner was not depressed either, she put down the toy in her hand, and observed her little cousin seriously.

There was a faint "cracking" sound, which was the sound of the candle wick bursting, followed by the candle flame jumping and the flame shaking.

Xiao Xuyang suddenly pursed his lips and smiled, but the smile was fleeting, and his immature face was expressionless.

He Xiner opened her mouth wide and rubbed her eyes in disbelief. Xiao Xuyang, who caught her eyes, still did not look at her as before, nor did she show any expression.

Children of the stars!
Their eyes are clear, but they turn a blind eye to people; their hearing is sensitive, but they are deaf to their parents calling; their voices are normal, but they don’t communicate with others...

The little cousin is not stupid, he is just indulging in his own world.

This discovery made He Xiner a little happy. Autism is always better than a fool. After all, that "no-huier" sounded too heart-wrenching.

Besides, the little cousin was discovered early, and the diagnosis and treatment were timely, so maybe he can get better~
Ye Xusheng, who was behind him, could clearly feel the change in He Xiner's aura. Although he couldn't see the expression on her face, he could feel her happy mood.

Ye Xusheng's handsome eyes flickered lightly.

"Big Brother..."

The moment He Xiner turned around, she still had a smile on her face, which made Ye Xusheng even more suspicious.

Although I really want to share this good news with my cousin, um, it's good news, but I can't say it when I open my mouth.

"Set off firecrackers?"

"Okay, okay, I'll go get the cloak and call Dabai by the way."

"It's cold outside, you wait here, brother go."

"Hey, thank you big brother."

So, He Xiner continued to turn around to tease her little cousin, even if the little guy ignored her, she was not discouraged and talked to him softly.

Ye Laijin on the wine table glanced at the small wooden bed not far away, took a sip of the wine in his glass, and his eye sockets felt a little hot.

He took a deep breath and tried to maintain a calm appearance, but he coldly glanced at Xiaoqian, who was eating hays.

Xiaoqian, who swayed his cheeks and concentrated on eating, didn't notice anything about it, and ate his mouth full of greasy food on his own.

(End of this chapter)

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