Chapter 919 Looks Exquisite

When the new year came, the family kowtowed to Lao Yetou and Lao Qian as usual. Ye Guihua, Ye Xusheng, Ye Feifeng, He Xiner, and Ye Xuyang each got a red seal.

He Xiner accepted it with a smile, and sincerely thanked, "Thank you, Lord."

Hey, the mystery gift of the big hall brother will be revealed soon~
As a result, the little girl smiled even brighter, and she looked so happy that she didn't know that she was holding a big gold ingot instead of a few copper plate red seals.

Seeing her genuinely happy, Lao Yetou was satisfied.

The second child is most used to this girl, she has a lot of private money in her hand, not short of these few pennies.

Looking at the vaguely disgusted looks of his old girl and the eldest girl, and looking at the happy smile of the second girl, the old man couldn't help feeling in his heart: This child really respects him as a master~
This is really a beautiful misunderstanding.

In short, this fairly harmonious New Year's Eve ended successfully.

After the scene was over, He Xiner followed her parents back to the Xikua courtyard, then quietly led Dabai to find Ye Xusheng.

"Big brother, where's my gift?"

As soon as the door was opened, He Xiner and Dabai rushed in, wrapped in the cold air, and even impatiently asked about her mysterious gift.

Ye Xusheng couldn't stop laughing, "It's so cold outside, let's have a cup of hot tea first."

There were two braziers in the living room. On the small red clay stove, the iron kettle was gurgling and steaming. The whole room was as warm as spring. He Xiner took off her cloak and put it on the hanger.

While the lobby brother was pouring tea, his eyes wandered around.

Dabai obediently lay down in the simple kennel in the corner, resting with his eyes closed.

The bright red candle made a slight "cracking" sound, the flame jumped, and the light flickered.

By the way, I haven't told my big cousin about the little cousin yet.

He Xiner stared blankly at the jumping flames in a daze. Xing Xing's child had narrow interests, was withdrawn and autistic, and didn't communicate with outsiders. The more he was like this, the more contact he should have with people.

It is really inappropriate for the eldest aunt to detain the little cousin in the house every day.

But how to mention this?

"Xin'er drinks tea."


Ye Xusheng gave her a puzzled look.

Xin'er was distracted, and the general was very happy, but now she looked contemplative and troubled, and she didn't know what was going on in her little head.



Ye Xu was silent.

It was the first time to see Xin Er so lost in thought.

Just as He Xiner was thinking hard about how to word her words, her hand suddenly became heavy. She lowered her head subconsciously and saw that there were three books.

At this time, a certain person was a little lost in his mind, stared at his ignorant eyes, and flipped through it casually. On it was a thread-bound blue hardcover framed book, wrapped in plain, thick and thin, and exquisite.

On the right side of the cover is a big black italic font, "Children's Stories Collection", the font is from top to bottom, the lines are sparse and the font is correct.

"Wow, where did the big hall brother buy the book? It looks very delicate. It's just for telling stories to my little cousin."

Suppressing the smile in his heart, Ye Xusheng said softly, "Look at the following."

He Xiner nodded, placed "Children's Stories Collection" on the table of the Eight Immortals, and then froze.

The two printed books in my hands are obviously much thicker than "Children's Stories Collection". They are mounted in the same blue hard cover, but without plain corners. .

This font is chic and unrestrained, but He Xiner can't understand it~
There is a small regular script "上" under the wild cursive, this understanding.

You don't need to read it to know that the other book is "Xia".

Embarrassedly smiling at the lobby brother, He Xiner flipped through it casually pretending.


Guo Xiaotian?
Yang Tiexin?
Guo Jing and Yang Kang's father!
(End of this chapter)

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