Chapter 920 My God

"Ah! I know, I know! This is "Legend of the Condor Heroes"!"
This discovery made He Xiner ecstatic. She jumped up on the spot holding the book in her hand. Due to too much force, she directly brought down the square stool under her. Fortunately, Ye Xusheng had quick eyes and quick hands, and grabbed the book that was about to fall to the ground. Square stool.

Someone who was crazy about this didn't care about this at all, and was still excitedly screaming, "Brother Datang is simply a genius, one year! It took only one year to finish this book! My God! My God! I love it so much is you!"

You must know that the original work of this book was serialized in the Hong Kong Commercial Daily from 1957 to 1959, which lasted for two or three years.

He Xiner was both surprised and happy, jumping and jumping, feeling the blood in her whole body roaring and boiling!
Infected by her emotions, Ye Xusheng was also extremely happy, his handsome eyes were as bright as stars, the corners of his lips were raised high, and he looked tenderly at the little girl who was jumping and screaming.

"Oh, oh, oh, Dabai don't sleep, hurry up and have fun with my sister!"

When He Xiner yelled out the phrase "I love you so much", Ye Xusheng couldn't help but his heart beat wildly, and his ears were even hotter. While he was nervous and at a loss, he also had some faint anticipation.

I still remember when he won the boy's test, Xin'er jumped up and kissed his cheek excitedly...

It’s okay if you don’t want to, but when you think about it this way, your heart beats even harder~
However, He Xiner, who was excited today, threw her eldest brother aside and went to torment Dabai.

"My darling, sister is so excited!"

"My dear, my sister is so happy, so happy! I really want to go roaring in the mountains~"

"Haha, cutie, why are you hiding from me, come on, come on, let's have a good kiss..."

Ye Xusheng...

I really want to throw this unsightly guy into the deep mountains!

"Xin'er, you haven't read "Children's Stories" well."

"Come on, let me take a look, the contents of this book."

He Xiner, who was so happy that she was so happy, let go of Dabai in a hurry after hearing what the big brother said, and ran to the table with a smile, flipping through "Children's Stories Collection".

Ye Xusheng secretly raised his eyebrows at Dabai, who gave him a supercilious look.

"My God! My God! My God!"

The clear and excited voice sounded again, and He Xiner's eyes widened in disbelief. She didn't know what to say to express her inner shock, so she kept shouting, "Oh my god!"

"Big brother, this, this is a short fairy tale I wrote, and you compiled it into a storybook?"

"Yes, the stories written by Xin'er are full of innocence and fun, and are most suitable for children to read..."

"My God! I'm a writer!"

He Xiner was so excited that she couldn't help herself, she raised her right hand and pinched her face, Ye Xusheng, who was staring at her, quickly grabbed her hand, and said with a smile, "What is this for?"

"Pinch to see if it hurts? It always feels like a dream."

Ye Xusheng couldn't laugh or cry.

"How about you pinch Big Brother twice, we are together, as long as Big Brother feels pain, it's not a dream."


"Hey, no, no need~"

The hall brother is too funny, she has never heard of anyone verifying it like this.

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the printing technique is really good, the fonts are neat and arranged in order..."

A certain person who was caught in his own work was a little carried away, grinning and rubbing the three books, admiring them all the time, not noticing the flash of strange light in the eyes of the big brother.

"Ah, my baby has accidentally become a great writer, what a shame~"

"But I still admire the big brother the most, the big brother is really a genius!"

A certain person was overly excited, babbling endlessly, and even smiled and showed love to the big brother, cheering, "Brother big, you are my idol!"

Although it was the first time I saw He Xiner gesticulating love, but Ye Xusheng couldn't help but be suspicious of his talent, and after thinking about it, he understood what it meant, and blushed after a while~
(End of this chapter)

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