Chapter 921

The cold wind is blowing outside and the snow is falling, but the house is warm as spring and the atmosphere is cheerful.

The charcoal in the copper basin was burning red, not only warming the room, but also brightening the room.

He Xiner, who had been excited for a while, finally calmed down a bit, and couldn't wait to look at The Legend of the Condor Heroes, "Brother Datang wrote well here."

"Xin'er, don't rush to read, brother still has something for you."

Hearing this, He Xiner hurriedly put down the book in her hand obediently, and stared at the eldest brother with bright eyes, without blinking, lest she might miss something.

Ye Xusheng smiled lightly, got up and went inside to take out a wooden box containing money, put it on the table, and under He Xiner's curious eyes, slowly opened it, took out a few silver bills and handed them to her.

"My God! So many?"

Five hundred taels of silver bills, thin and crisp printing paper, exquisite hand-carved patterns, and red stamps, really can't be more authentic.

Seeing sparks in He Xiner's eyes, she was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, "Big Brother, you won't tell me that these are all royalties, right?"

This question made Ye Xusheng stiff for a moment, and then he smiled and said, "It's the brush fee."

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, it's still easy for literati to earn money, but peasants can't earn 500 taels of silver in their entire life..."

Thinking of her father's dark face, He Xiner really felt distressed.

"Huh? No, no."

"What's wrong?"

Because of He Xiner's feelings, Ye Xusheng also felt sorry for his own father, and just as he was thinking about it, He Xiner's high-pitched voice interrupted his thoughts.

"Hey, copyright! I can assure you that The Legend of the Condor Heroes will be a big hit, and the bookstore will definitely print it."

"Brother Datang worked so hard to write this book, so he naturally owns the copyright of this book. No matter how many books the bookstore will print in the future, he should pay Brother Datang a certain percentage of the manuscript fee."


Ye Xusheng tried his best to suppress the strangeness in his heart, cleared his throat, and said in a deep voice, "Xin'er, don't worry, this matter was handled by Dong Qiang, after signing the contract, just like you said, no matter how much you print in the future, you will be paid proportionally." It's for a pen fee."

"Hey, Big Brother Zhang has a trick!"

He Xiner gave her a thumbs up with a smile, and then leaned closer to the big hall brother, "Speaking of which, the big hall brother was able to finish this book so quickly, thanks to the help of Uncle Zhang and Big Brother Zhang..."

"Well, what Xin'er said is true, but Dong Qiang and Uncle Zhang don't want money."

At this point, Ye Xusheng looked at her meaningfully, and said with a light smile, "Dong Qiang and Uncle Zhang are both attracted by the novel martial arts in this book, and they are so eager to study all kinds of famous tricks that they can't stop..."

"Haha, I just said that martial arts novels are infinitely charming, right?"

A certain person turned his face up on purpose, flabbergasted towards the roof, and Ye Xusheng couldn't stop laughing at that flamboyant appearance.

"It's the infinite charm. Uncle Zhang and Dong Qiang are clamoring for me to write some novel martial arts novels..."

He Xiner was stunned when she heard this, she couldn't care less, she lowered her head and thought for a while, then looked at Ye Xusheng seriously, and said, "Brother Datang is going to take the government examination this year? Don't be distracted anymore."

Thinking of the words that He Xiner scolded his master unceremoniously before, Ye Xusheng couldn't use the previous reasons again, pondered for a while, and said slowly, "Scholars who have passed the government examination must concentrate on studying in the county school."

"That's right, you can take the township examination to get the honor of a person only if you have a student loan from the county school."

Some systems of the Ming Dynasty feel similar to the Ming Dynasty in history, but they are more relaxed than the Ming Dynasty. For example, there is no strict hierarchy in the clothes of the people. Even a man who goes to work in the fields, as long as he has enough money, he can forge silk and brocade. dress.

The most important thing is that women don't need to bind their feet, hehe, that's great!

But the imperial examination system is pretty much the same, um, because the eldest brother passed the boy's exam back then, the people in the village were overly enthusiastic and discussed vigorously, so He Xiner listened to it.

(End of this chapter)

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