The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 922 Dabai Has Had a Few Sweet Dreams

Chapter 922 Dabai Has Had a Few Sweet Dreams
Ye Xusheng didn't seem to be surprised by He Xiner's words, he just followed her words and said that now he lacks knowledge and experience, so he doesn't rush the government exam, he just needs to get the honor of a scholar before the next year's Autumn Festival, and don't delay the rural exam that year.

He Xiner would not believe that she lacked knowledge.

But she has her own set of understandings, when the older cousin is worried about the younger cousin's illness, she would rather go to the county school two years later~
Hey, even so, she doesn't need to tell the truth, the eldest brother has his own ideas and has a clear plan for his studies.

"Hey, if the eldest brother is willing, how about we collaborate on a story about Yang Guo?"

The little girl's nimble eyes are now slightly squinted, with a sly smile on the corner of her mouth, like a cunning little fox~
Ye Xusheng looked at her calmly, his handsome eyes were calm and calm, and said in a deep voice, "It's certainly possible."

"Heh heh haha, Depressed Soul Elimination Palm, Jade Heart Sutra, let's do it! Haha..."

It seems to be too proud.

The devilish laughter braked the car hastily, He Xiner rubbed her nose, and said with a chuckle, "When I designed The Legend of the Condor Heroes, I thought of a lot of tricks. That's when Lao Shizi's Depressed Soul Palm and the Jade Heart Sutra came to mind." Yes, it's just not suitable for the temperament of the hero and heroine, so it's useless to leave it aside..."

Why do you feel that the more you explain, the more guilty you become?
"Well, Xin'er really put a lot of thought into it."

"Hey, hey, it's getting late, I'm going back to sleep, so I just took the book home and read it carefully."

Ye Xusheng's handsome eyes flashed lightly, then sank slightly, and said, "There is no brazier in your room, it's icy cold..."

"Yeah, I was busy making New Year's Eve dinner last night, and the kang didn't burn yet."

"Why don't you sleep in the inner room, elder brother guards the brazier and reads a book."

"Hey, it's already this hour, what books are you still reading?"

The excitement passed, and the drowsiness came. He Xiner yawned as she spoke, rubbed her misty eyes, and muttered, "I'm sleeping at the top of the kang, and the hall brother can sleep at the end of the kang. It's not like I can't sleep."

It's okay not to mention the word sleep, but after saying this, He Xiner felt her upper and lower eyes stick together, "Dabai has already had a few sweet dreams..."

Before he finished speaking, he rubbed his eyes and got up, swayed to the inside, then lay down on the kang, and fell asleep~
Ye Xusheng, who followed closely behind, couldn't help but laugh when he saw it. He gently took off her boots, covered her with the quilt, and quickly went outside to wet a cotton towel and wipe her hands and face.

Dabainian in the outer room stared blankly at his ears, looked up, and continued to sleep on his stomach.

After blowing out the candles in the outer room, and taking the quilt from the closet, Ye Xusheng closed his clothes and lay at the end of the kang, not in a hurry to sleep for a while, listening to the roar of the cold wind outside, thinking about things very quietly.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the members of the old Ye family who have been busy talking about it for a whole year, felt lazy to sleep in, and dropped by the door without interfering with each other, quite free.

He Xiner didn't wake up until Chen Shi. After washing up, she went to the kitchen with her eldest brother to order two bowls of dumplings, and had a simple breakfast.

As soon as she went to her own room to change into a new cotton dress, Guan Cuizhi and Ye Yuanyuan came together and asked her to go skating by the river.

He Xiner, who originally wanted to read a book, had no choice but to temporarily change her plan and play happily with her little sister.

Naturally, the worried Ye Xusheng followed Dabai every step of the way.

Even if he was fighting with Ye Mancang and his brothers, his attention was always on He Xiner.

Fortunately, apart from the jealous eyes of a few girls, there was nothing unusual.

He Xiner and the little sisters had a good time playing the meeting, and they left talking and laughing until their stomachs sang empty city tricks.

The two declined her invitation, and each left and went home.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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