Chapter 924 She is a Good Baby

In the evening, the snow in the yard was already two feet deep. He Xiner, who had spent the whole afternoon reading in the house, was stunned when she opened the door.

"My God! With such a heavy snow, those old houses won't collapse, will they?"

"Bah! Bah! Bah! Pretend I didn't say it."

A gust of strong cold wind blew past, it was icy cold, and it made He Xiner shiver, "Duo la la, duo la la, the cold wind froze me to death, I'll make a nest tomorrow!"

Ye Xusheng, who was behind him, was quite speechless, and hurriedly closed the door, and pulled her to the brazier, "You warm up here, and go to the room in the lobby to have a look."


He Xiner obediently complied, but after the big brother left, she immediately put on her cloak and walked to the backyard through the thick snow.

She also wants to stay in a warm house, but, but there are some things that she can't bear, let alone snow, even hail.

Oh my god, I went to a latrine and was about to freeze into a popsicle!

Fortunately, this was rebuilt. If it was the old toilet, with the snow and ice on the feet, I am afraid that something serious will happen.

Indescribable, indescribable~

He Xiner tugged on her hat, and walked back with difficulty against the cold wind and heavy snow. She felt a deep sense of desolation. It was really cold. The icy snow scum poured straight into her boots. Could it be cool?
The sky was as black as ink, and I could only look at the three-foot-square space around me with the faint light of snow. Hey, it's because I'm in my own home. If I'm outside, I can't tell the north from the south.

He Xiner felt a little worried. Their old Ye's house was newly built with green bricks and tiles, which was solid and solid, but her grandma's house was an old house with a thatched roof and mud walls, so it might not be able to withstand the ravages of this wind and snow. .

No matter how cold it is outside, a brazier can always be built in the house to keep warm. If the roof collapses, then, why not freeze to death in this spring?

Obviously, spring will begin before next year, but it's cold enough to be such a bear.

The howling cold wind greeted He Xin'er's face with fine snow particles, and it made her eyesight shut. As a result, the speed slowed down, not much worse than a nest of cows crawling.

Hey, what the hell is going on with this weather?
He Xiner babbled angrily, pulled out her right foot from the snow nest, tried to maintain her balance, took a big step forward, and then tried to move her left foot...

She has never experienced such heavy snow, and she couldn't help worrying that if she followed this method, she might not be able to find Ye Family Village tomorrow morning...


Hearing the big brother's voice, He Xiner shouted happily, "I'm here..."

Ye Xusheng, who was carrying a lantern in his hand, quickly ran to him and handed the lantern to He Xiner, "Brother carries you."

"Hey, it's only a few steps away in my own house, and I have to carry it on my back, how embarrassing."

"Xin'er, be good, come up quickly."

Well, she's a good baby.

"Big brother, are you all in the room?"

"Well, it's all here. Second Uncle put the iron pot on the brazier to boil water and cook dumplings."

"Hee hee, Dad, this is a good way. You don't have to go to the kitchen to work in the wind and snow."

"The snow is really heavy today."

"By the way, Dabai is still in Dongkuayuan."

"Brother will deliver food to it in a while."

I don't know when this big snowstorm will end. Looking at the current situation, it will be difficult to visit relatives tomorrow~
When they got to the door of the upper room, both of them stomped their feet deliberately and shook off the snow on their bodies before opening the cotton curtain and pushing the door to enter the room.

"Wow, heaven on earth!"

There are two braziers in the main hall, one in the dining room, and another bright brazier in the inner room, making the room warm and cozy. He Xiner, who was about to freeze, took off her gloves and rubbed her cold face, smiling and cheering ~
"Wash your hands first with hot water and warm them up."

"Thank you big brother."

Due to the heavy snow outside, all the daily-use items such as the washstand were moved into the house, and there were also two buckets filled with thick ice, which made it more convenient for washing hands or eating.

(End of this chapter)

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