Chapter 925

After a simple dinner with the family, the blizzard outside finally stopped.

At the moment, regardless of the dark sky and strong wind, the whole family was dispatched together, those who lit lanterns, those who cleared snow and shoveled the snow, and got busy in full swing.

Oh, except for old Qian, who is taking care of Xiao Xuyang in the house.

And Xiaoqian originally wanted to use this excuse to be lazy, but was cut off by her mother-in-law. Although she was very dissatisfied in her heart, she didn't dare to say anything, so she just shrank her neck and followed everyone out of the main room.

The new brick and tile house of Lao Ye's family is not afraid of this level of snow, but the vegetable shed is going to be overwhelmed. Fortunately, all the garlic inside has been harvested, and because of the Chinese New Year, the bean sprouts business has been suspended, and all kinds of tools have been harvested. After entering the warehouse, even if the roof collapses, the loss will not be great.

There is a vast expanse of whiteness between the sky and the earth, on the roof, on the treetops, and in the yard, there is thick snow everywhere, and the whistling cold wind blows snow mist from time to time, greeting people's faces mercilessly, it is really cold to the extreme.

"My mother, this snow is going to bury my waist!"

He Xiner held up a big red lantern to illuminate the light for her big hall brother. This is really digging a tunnel from the snow nest, digging from the door of the upper room, one leads to the east across the courtyard, one leads to the west across the courtyard, and the other leads to the east. , the west wing room and the mansion gate, as well as the back garden to the vegetable garden.

There is so much snow that cannot be removed for a while, so we can only use this method to open the passage first, otherwise it is impossible to walk at all.

Now that the blizzard has stopped, He Xiner is no longer worried about her grandma's house. Although the snow of this level is a bit deep, as long as it is cleared in time, it should be fine.

All the old and young men in her grandma's family are capable, and they would never hide in the house and allow the roof to collapse under the pressure of snow.

"Xin'er, is it cold?"

Ye Xusheng used a shovel. He was strong and fast. In less than a quarter of an hour, he had dug to the door of the main room in the East Kuai Courtyard, and was about to go back along the passage to the passage to the backyard. The road had not yet been excavated.

"Well, it's a little cold, and I feel like my face is going to freeze."

Hey, if I knew this, I should have asked her mother to make a mask for her.

"Xin'er goes to the house to keep warm, the eldest brother can see it, so I don't need you."

Knowing that she was cold, Ye Xusheng directly plunged the shovel into the snow, and dragged the person into his room. The charcoal fire in the brazier had already been extinguished, but it was still much warmer than outside.

"Dabai, be good, the snow outside is thick. If you make a big jump, you may make a big hole in the snow nest. Haha, thinking about the scene, I am looking forward to it!"

He Xiner's whole body was freezing cold, and when she saw Dabai, she clung to it excitedly, hugging its big head unceremoniously and rubbing it, "Hey, my darling's body is really warm, and her fur is also soft. , it's really comfortable to hold!"

"Haha, you are so warm and soft, darling, warm your sister's bed at night, okay?"

Ye Xusheng, who was making a brazier, froze in his hands, turned his head down and gave Bai a warning look.

Dabai, who squinted his eyes and enjoyed the embrace of his master, expressed that he couldn't see, couldn't see, couldn't see~
He Xiner giggled and quarreled with Dabai enough, so she continued to read.

When Ye Xusheng finished building the brazier and put people in order before going out, Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin had just finished digging the roads in the front yard and the west cross yard, and old Ye Tou had just cleared the snow at the gate of the house.

The Ye Laijin brothers persuaded the old Ye Tou to go back to the house to rest, and the two took Ye Xusheng to continue digging the road in the backyard.

Naturally, Ye Guihua, who carried the lantern for her father, also went back to the house to warm up.

Xiaoqian, who was shivering from the early morning cold, glanced around, didn't look at He Xiner, and immediately became unhappy, "Oh, it's the second girl who has a lot of eyes, and she pretends to be better than anyone else in front of Daddy." , when Dad leaves, she can run faster than a rabbit..."

(End of this chapter)

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