Chapter 926
At this time, Ye Xusheng had already dug out a section of the boss, and Mrs. Wang held a lantern to shine the light on him. Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin had just dug in front of the kitchen door and were about to dig another passage to the well.

Ye Feifeng was wearing a thick cloak, cotton gloves on his hands, and thick cotton shoes on his feet. He was still shivering from the cold, and the red lantern he was carrying was shaking in the cold wind, making him extremely unsteady.

Hearing her mother talk about He Xiner, Ye Feifeng's frozen face showed no expression.

That dead girl is loved by her parents, her elder brother is also protecting her, and her father is also partial to her, so what if she is lazy?

It's not like her, her mother is not in tune, she can't wait to leave all the work to her alone, and her brother is not close to her, only Ye Xin'er is in his eyes, even her father, her father's heart loves her younger brother the most Well, the most important thing is the elder brother, so what is she?

"Okay, less than two lanterns are needed here..."

Xiao Qian, who was still complaining, was interrupted by Ye Laijin's gentle voice, she was overjoyed, and said very slipperily, "Hey, then I'll be back..."

"Big girl, go back to the house to warm up. It's enough to have your mother here."

From the beginning to the end, Ye Laijin didn't even give Little Qian a wink. The reason why he spoke softly was because the person he was talking to was his daughter.

Ye Feifeng, who was named, looked up in disbelief, and saw her father looking at her gently, "It's cold outside, let's go back to the house~"

"Hey, it's the time when the children's house is full of firepower. I'm afraid of the cold. Instead, I just gave birth and I'm still weak..."

Not far away, Mrs. Wang was angry and funny when she heard her shameless words. She couldn't hold back her "puchi" laugh, and suddenly thought that it was not good to laugh at his mother in front of her eldest nephew. , hurriedly suppressed the smile on his face, turned his head slightly to shake his shoulders.

Ye Xusheng...

Second Aunt was misled by Xin'er~
The Wang family held back, while the impatient Ye Laiyin suppressed the anger in his heart, so he had to take care of the little Qian family, after all, it was the first day of the new year, so it was not easy to make a fuss.

I was secretly thinking about staying out of the first month, and then find the place again, but I was amused by her shameless words, "Haha, haha..."

The laughter came suddenly and loudly, which startled Xiaoqian, who was still babbling, "Laughing suddenly like a donkey braying, yes, it scares me to death!"

Before Ye Laijin could reprimand her, there was a sound like a donkey braying and a mule neighing, which was really a coincidence to the extreme.

The smile on Ye Laiyin's face suddenly froze.


"Ha ha……"

This time it was the calmest Ye Laijin who laughed violently. He originally thought that it would be difficult to swear at people during the Chinese New Year, so he didn't want to talk to Xiaoqian, but when she saw that her words became more and more outrageous, he secretly got annoyed.

This incomprehensible thing mocks the second child and laughs like a donkey, what a shame!
Then, by an astonishing coincidence, he froze for a moment, and then laughed uncontrollably and violently~
This laughter is different from Ye Laiyin's hearty laughter, but it is obviously a joke, and it is a joke between the elder brother and the second younger brother.

Ye Laiyin has never seen his elder brother smile since his nephew was diagnosed with the disease. Since the elder brother is happy, just laugh, because his face is worthless.

So, Ye Laiyin tried his best to endure the embarrassment on his face, and laughed too, causing Wang Shi and Ye Xusheng in the front to look at each other, and then laughed out loud. Naturally, Wang Shi was joking about his husband.

As a junior, Ye Xusheng must not follow suit and make fun of his second uncle.

So, he also turned his head and shook his shoulders like Wang's.

Ye Feifeng was dumbfounded by the laughter of several people, how could it be like this?

It was the first time her father smiled like this, it was weird, weird...

(End of this chapter)

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