The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 928 What Does That Xiner Mean?

Chapter 928 What Does That Xiner Mean?
Ye Xusheng, who has been praised by his master for his intelligence and suspicion since he entered school, now feels that his mind is numb, and he wants to be quiet.

It's just that someone was too excited and was still chattering, so Ye Xusheng hurriedly changed the subject, "Your bank note has never been taken away, and I brought it here specially for you today."

As he spoke, Ye Xusheng took out the banknotes from a stone blue purse embroidered with emerald bamboo. The color of this purse matched the dark gray cotton coat with dark patterns on him very well, but the emerald bamboo embroidery was really not distinctive. , barely considered neat.

It was a birthday present from He Xiner. He Xiner had been busy for many days for this, and even lamented from time to time. She dug a big hole for herself...

Speaking of which, when Ye Xusheng received this not-so-exquisite purse, he was very happy. Since then, he has carried this purse with him every day.

"Hey, this book was written with a lot of effort by the eldest brother, how can I have the nerve to take the money."

That day, He Xiner only cared about her feelings, but didn't speak clearly, and of course she didn't take the banknote.

"Without Xin'er, there would be no book. You deserve it."

"Big brother also knows that I don't lack money, you should keep it, save it all, and buy a farm for my little cousin in the future, buy a house or something..."

He Xin'er really doesn't care much, their second room is not short of money, and the black goji berry earns a lot of money, besides, the house has been remodeled at home, there are no other big bells and whistles, it's just food, drink and clothing on weekdays, and the money is shared by the public That's enough, besides Dabai still earns extra money.

On the contrary, my little cousin will have a lot of money to spend in the future~
Ye Xusheng was silent for a moment, he knew of Xiner's kindness, but he would not let Xiner bear these burdens.

Therefore, Ye Xusheng insisted, claiming that He Xiner completed the "Children's Stories Collection" alone, and only the finishing fee was 100 taels.What's more, without her proposal and the design of the storyline, there would be no Legend of the Condor Heroes, and she deserved the money.

It was the first time for He Xiner to see her eldest brother being so stubborn. She couldn't laugh or cry and kept the 300 taels, but she didn't accept the 200 taels.

Her reason is very simple, her brother still needs to settle accounts clearly.

Ye Xusheng had no choice but to let her go.

The two received the bank notes respectively. He Xiner squinted her eyes, tilted her head to think for a while, and said with a smile, "It's been too cold these days, my aunt didn't take my little cousin to the room for dinner, so it's strange to miss him of."

Ye Xusheng's handsome eyes flashed lightly, and he said in a deep voice, "Second brother is fine, he can eat half a bowl of millet porridge for every meal."

Hey, just wait for this opportunity.

"Big brother, why do you think my little cousin only eats millet porridge? It stands to reason that he can eat such a big custard and noodles now."

"Second brother..."

Unexpectedly, she asked such a question, Ye Xusheng was a little hesitant and puzzled, Wu Huier is a child without mind, so he can't look at him like an ordinary child.

"Hey, big brother, I have a bold idea!"

Seeing the contemplative look of the lobby brother, He Xiner suddenly felt that the time had come and she couldn't miss it.

"Big cousin, look, it's not that my little cousin doesn't have his own ideas. On the contrary, he is very assertive and will choose. He only eats the food he likes and doesn't eat anything he doesn't like."

"If it's really a mindless child, why don't you give him whatever to eat? Because it doesn't matter what he eats!"

Ye Xusheng's eyes lit up and his spirits lifted.

"What does Xin'er mean?"

Next, He Xiner racked her brains, and carefully told Ye Xusheng all the special symptoms of autism that she could think of.

"In short, I think that my little cousin is not only not stupid, but also very smart. He may be very talented in a certain aspect, because he has closed his heart, doesn't like to communicate with others, has narrow interests, and can devote himself to it. Do what he likes."

"Treatment is necessary, but you shouldn't restrict him on weekdays. The more people you have, the better for him. When he grows up, let's carefully observe what he likes. For example, I said, for example, if the little cousin Interested in martial arts, as long as he is taught properly, his achievements will definitely be higher than ordinary peers..."

Call ~
I finally spit out the words I was holding back in my heart, great!

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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