The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 929 I don't want to either

Chapter 929 I don't want to either

The matter of the little cousin was cleared up with the eldest brother, and He Xiner had a big concern, so she put all her thoughts on the Condor Heroes, pestering Ye Xusheng every day, and jointly conceived the framework of the story.

"Lost, lost..."

Today is the tenth day of the Lunar New Year, and the outside is still dripping into ice, it's unbelievably cold, and at night, He Xiner still takes Dabai to the Dongkua courtyard, and writes and writes with the big hall brother over a brazier.

Well, if you have any ideas, you must record them at any time.

When He Xiner said with a calm face, the pure and beautiful little dragon girl who does not eat human fireworks was raped.Ye Xusheng was so startled that he almost fell to the ground, Jun's face was even more flushed, and he was speechless with his mouth gaping.

"Oh, I don't want to either..."

He Xiner lay down on the table listlessly, pouted and said, "Who told you that this book is based on love? Ten love and nine bitterness..."

"Ask the world, what is love, directly teach life and death?

There are two flying passengers from the north to the south, and the old wings return to the cold and heat a few times.

Gathering happily, parting is bitter, and there are even more idiotic children.

What you should say:

Stratus clouds for thousands of miles, thousands of mountains and snow at dusk, only shadows to whom to go.

Hengfen Road, the loneliness of Xiaogu, the wasteful smoke is still calm.

Why is it time to call upon the soul? The mountain ghost cries secretly.

The sky is also jealous, without trust and love, Yinger and swallows are all loess.

For thousands of years, in order to keep the Sao people, they sang and drank wildly, and visited Yanqiu. "


Ye Xusheng's chest was throbbing, as if there was a huge wave hitting him, his heart was shocked, and he couldn't help himself for a long time.

And He Xiner closed her eyes and pretended to be dead.

Well, she fell asleep.

Under constant self-hypnosis, someone really fell asleep.

After Ye Xusheng gradually calmed down, he endured the scalding heat on his face, and made sure that Xiao Longnu was missing.When reading Zhen's plot, it was discovered that she had already fallen asleep.

For a while, I couldn't laugh or cry.

This girl seemed to be in a trance, constantly talking about the Chilian Fairy and the Ice Soul Silver Needle, and refused to rest for a moment, eventually getting tired.

Thinking of the shocking verse, Ye Xusheng was a little swayed, and after a few breaths of silence, he realized that Xin'er was still lying on the table, so he quickly got up and hugged her into the room.

On the second day, the two of them unified their opinions and settled down the heroine's painful experience, and the "Touching Fish. Yanqiu Ci" also became the classic line of the big devil Li Mochou.

Afterwards, He Xiner laughed and said that she had read too many books, so she forgot which book she read, so she wrote it down when she thought it sounded good.

Ye Xusheng didn't say a word about this.

The following plot went much smoother. The two sorted out the main line, and the whole story became clear. This busy work came in March.

Since the school started on the [-]th day of the first month, Ye Xusheng only had time at night, and He Xiner was still enthusiastic, waiting for her little cousin to fall asleep every day, and then went to Dongkua courtyard to stay late.

After the first lunar month, He Xiner couldn't wait to urge her father to pick up her little cousin to the house, and the little sister happily lived a life of eating and sleeping together again.

However, she did not take the printed version of "Children's Stories Collection" to read with her little cousin and two good friends. Subconsciously, she did not want to spread the news. Those stories were read by several people. .

When she has time during the day, she still writes some short stories, just to coax them.

As for pestering the eldest brother every day and taking up his study time, He Xiner has no burden in her heart.

Brother Left and Right won't take the government examination this year, so it doesn't matter if you pay attention.

Hey, make money~
As He Xiner expected, once the Legend of the Condor Heroes came out on the market, it caused a huge sensation and sparked a frenzy of public opinion.

"Haha, big hall brother, we are going to be rich!"

After receiving the stack of bank notes handed over by the big hall brother, He Xiner was so happy that she couldn't help but smile from ear to ear.

"It's good that Xin'er is happy."

 Note: "Mo Yuer. Yanqiu Ci" - from the Jin and Yuan poets - Yuan Haowen

(End of this chapter)

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