The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 930 Work hard towards the goal

Chapter 930 Work hard towards the goal
Ye Xusheng smiled slightly, his eyes were bright, full of pampering.

He is naturally happy when he earns money, but he prefers Xin'er's excited little look with sparkling eyes~~
"Speaking of which, Big Brother Zhang has helped us a lot..."

"Well, big brother knows it well."

Lightly blinking his eyes, Ye Xusheng interrupted her calmly.

He Xiner glanced at him a little puzzled, and seeing that his expression remained the same, she didn't think too much about it. She moved forward and whispered mysteriously, "I guess Brother Zhang has a lot to do with that bookstore."


"Oh, I'm really curious about Brother Zhang's identity"~
The little girl has drawn a lot again, her small face is delicate and pretty, her eyebrows are delicate, her lips are red and her teeth are white. Under the bright candlelight, she is stunningly beautiful, but she doesn't know it, she is extremely casual, and her eyes are full of wit. They are all sly smiles, a full-fledged little fox.

Ye Xusheng was silent for a while, and said, "Dongqiang is the person I trust the most."

"Hey, brother Zhang is the person you trust the most, what about me?"

Seeing his serious face, He Xiner regretted bringing up such a topic. Whether it was Uncle Zhang or Brother Zhang, they were all very close teachers and friends of Brother Dao, so it didn't matter who they were.

Their father and son have helped the eldest brother a lot.

Dabai's ancestor was given by Brother Zhang to Brother Datang.

Hey, let me go, thinking that before Dabai belonged to someone else, why is he inexplicably upset.

Dabai is her great ancestor, hum, it only belongs to her, not even her little cousin.

No, she can't think that way, if the little cousin finds out, she won't be sad to death.

Just like that, a certain person lost his mind for a while, and became happy for himself.

"Xin'er is the most important person for Big Brother."

Ye Xusheng looked seriously at someone who was wandering in the sky, his voice was soft, but his tone was firm.

Suspecting that she was hallucinating, He Xiner blinked, then blinked again, and then grinned, "Brother Datang is also my most important person."

"Where's the second uncle and the second aunt?"

"the closest person."

"Where's Wang's cousin?"

"Favorite person."

"Where's Cuizhi Yuanyuan?"

"Closest friend."


"Haha, brother hall is so funny, I'm dying of laughter, haha..."

It's rare to see Ye Xusheng still have such a childish side, He Xiner could only laugh so hard that she flinched, and twitched away with a dangerous smile.

Ye Xusheng also raised the corners of his lips and smiled lightly.

Poured a cup of tea, handed it to someone, and said warmly, "Have a cup of tea."

"Thank you big brother."

He Xiner happened to be thirsty, so she drank most of the unreserved gulp with both hands, "Ha, I'm alive again."

Ye Xusheng frowned slightly.

"Big brother, we have a lot of money, do you want to buy some fields? Hehe, we will also be landlords in the future."

"Our family is already very eye-catching, and we are not in a hurry to start a business."

"That's right."

He Xiner nodded, the current situation is excellent, there is no need to stimulate the nerves of the melon-eating crowd.

"Hey, this money is quite a lot for us, but it won't be enough when we get to the capital, so let's save it first."

"The capital?"

"Where is it, the number one scholar in the lobby will definitely enter the Imperial Academy in the future. He will stay in the capital and just enter the official position. He has a low official title, less salary and more entertainment. He also needs to settle down and buy a property. How can he do without money?"

"I reckon that we can't even buy a single one in the hospital with this little money."

Ye Xusheng...

Why didn't he know that he was the number one scholar?

Hey, I was led astray by Xiner.

"In terms of money, Xin'er doesn't have to worry about it. In the future, if Eldest Brother succeeds in his scientific examinations as you said, Eldest Brother will definitely buy a big house and take the whole family in."

"Yeah, work hard towards the goal!"

Ye Xusheng...

How did he answer this?
With a set goal, He Xiner was quite active, and when she had a little spare time, she would write and write a lot of short stories, and selected some satisfactory ones to compile into a book.

Soon there will be a second volume of "Children's Stories", still without the author's signature.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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