The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 931 Is This About a Book?

Chapter 931 Is This About a Book

Although He Xiner's "Children's Stories Collection" is not as popular as the Condor Shooting Heroes, the sales volume is not bad. The whimsical fairy tales are popular, vivid and full of childishness, which can arouse children's strong curiosity and reading pleasure.

Being in a small mountain village, He Xiner didn't know that the outside world's evaluation of this book, she only knew that there were a lot more money in her hand.

So, someone was quite complacent.

Hey, the baby is also a talented girl!

She has a lazy personality and doesn't like to use her brain the most. Those obscure and difficult ancient Chinese prose always make her dizzy, and she feels more than once that the child at this time is so amazing!
She struggled to read other people's enlightenment textbooks. Thinking about it, the gap is really not that big.

inferiority complex!
Hey, nothing at all!

Her "Children's Stories Collection" will definitely attract those little adults who are shaking their heads, and let those little scholars who have been taught pedantic and rigid by their masters since childhood, regain the fun of innocence and be a real child. ...

Haha, baby cow?
After the plot framework of The Condor Heroes was finalized, He Xiner devoted herself to her fairy tale world again, often discussing small details with her little cousin, thinking and seeing the surrounding world with a child's eyes, a flower A flower, a piece of grass, an ant, a small fish, all have endless fun...

But Ye Xusheng no longer has time to accompany her at night, and the fate and emotional entanglements of the characters in the novel are all set. He wants to design martial arts scenes with Dongqiang.

"A love affair between master and apprentice? Rape. Dirty? Lose. Chastity?"

On weekdays, Zhang Dongqiang, who always had a calm, calm and elegant face, was a figure like a banished fairy in He Xiner's eyes, and he was so shocked that he almost rolled his eyes.

Dressed in white, refined, with picturesque features, fresh and handsome gentle man, his slender eyebrows are about to be drawn together, his voice is slightly hoarse, staring deeply at Ye Xusheng's expressionless cold face, and said in a deep voice, "Xu Sheng, do you know how many criticisms a book like this will bring when it comes out on the market?"

The other party glanced at him lightly, and said lightly, "No one on the left or right knows who the author is, so just discuss it if you like."

Zhang Dongqiang...

Is he destined?
The fool is cruel enough!

In He Xiner's eyes, Zhang Dongqiang, who was personable and elegant, was so angry that he threw up a book, and threw it in the face...

In the end, Ye Xusheng easily reached out to catch it. Since the topic started, the person who had been keeping a cold face suddenly smiled evilly and said, "It's just a book. It's a fabricated story. Why is Dongqiang so excited?" strength?"

Zhang Dongqiang choked.

"Is this a book thing? It's a challenge to the world."


Ye Xu was silent.

In March, it is the season of warm spring and flowers blooming, the wind is clear and the air is warm.

Now it is the middle of the month, a round of full moon hangs in the sky, and the light of the moon is like water, covering the small courtyard of the Zhang family, and it is quiet.

The two sat quietly around the desk, no one spoke for a while.

"Ask the world, what is love, and teach life and death..."

After a moment of silence, Ye Xusheng gently flipped out a piece of paper, and on it was "Mo Yuer. Yanqiu Ci", written by him.

Zhang Dongqiang recited slowly, every word weighed heavily on his heart, making him breathless.

What a "ask what is love in the world"!
What a "direct teaching life and death promise"!
Those long past events came back to his mind again, Zhang Dongqiang's chest was sore and painful, his eyes were moist, and he was on the verge of losing his composure. Fortunately, Ye Xusheng lowered his head in meditation and did not pay attention to him.

After slowly calming down, Zhang Dongqiang casually flipped through the manuscript paper in his hand, and said with a light smile, "Looking at it this way, Li Mochou, the Chilian fairy who became a demon because of love, is a pitiful person..."

(End of this chapter)

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