The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 938 This Investment Is Really Big

Chapter 938 This Investment Is Really Big

The Wang family, the Bai family, and the Liu family are all good at craftsmanship, He Xiner and the others are also dexterous, and the big guys are full of energy. Soon, there are many finished products.

The house is newly built, it is airy and airy, and it is not afraid of the tide, but He Xiner is afraid of insect bites, so she specially asked her father to buy spirit herbs and put them in the closet.

While preventing moths, it also scents the dolls.

In this way, He Xiner made dolls with everyone during the day and wrote her fairy tales at night. Her life was quite fulfilling.

And Ye Xusheng is also very busy, spending every night at Zhang's house, wrestling with Uncle Zhang, and writing plots with Dongqiang...

Busy chattering, the days passed quickly, and before you knew it, it was summer, the sun was scorching the earth, everyone closed the door in the east wing, guarded the ice basin, drank herbal tea to make dolls, and didn't feel the heat at all.

Both the Bai family and the Liu family said that thanks to He Xiner's blessing, no matter how hot the weather is, they are not afraid of getting heatstroke.

Now I have accumulated a lot of dolls, which take up too much space. Ye Laiyin, Ye Shitian, and Ye Mancang spent the whole afternoon moving several wardrobes to the ear room of the north room, and made them non-stop. Several wardrobes.

When she first started making a living with this doll, He Xiner said that she had to make it more delicate, and the materials needed were not only the best, but at the very least they had to be top-notch.

Of course, the exquisiteness she mentioned is only in relative terms, and they can't afford the really good silk brocade, Shu brocade, satin, etc.

He Xiner's definition is to use as good a material as possible within the range they can afford. The cotton cloth is made of the best fine cotton, and the silk is also selected at the same price...

These items alone cost quite a lot, and all the dolls made are stored and not sold, which means that they are only used for flowers but not for income.

In addition, most of Hello Kitty's bows are sewn with small pearls, what's more, they use some not very precious jade as embellishments, and very few use agate as eyes...

Calculated in such a way, 150 taels of silver is not ample.

Bai, Liu, and Wang were all deeply moved. 150 taels, two years ago, the amount they would have never dared to imagine would be even higher than the towering mountain in the back mountain. A huge amount of money, wealth that they will never earn in their entire lives.

Now that I do this business for a living, it is actually not enough to buy materials.

This, this, this cannot be said, and we will continue to invest more.

So, the family took out another 50 taels of silver and put them together to buy raw materials.

Not a single copper plate was seen, and the 300 taels of silver were thrown out first.

Fortunately, the three of them are big-hearted, and Guan Xiuyuan, Ye Shitian, and Ye Laiyin also supported them. If they were ordinary people, they would have been unable to bear it long ago, not to mention turning their faces on this, and they would have lost their temper and cried out. Shouting to sell some of the stored dolls first.

Everyone believed in He Xiner, and none of them cared about it. They all happily increased their funds and continued to work happily.

Parents, uncles, aunts and aunts all worked hard, but it was He Xiner who felt a little uneasy.

She knows the value of 300 taels of silver too well.

I go!

Unknowingly, I feel that 300 taels were actually made.

This investment is really big~
Originally, she still wanted to make a series of pure pearl dolls, but now it seems that she should forget it.

After that, there were no more precious materials such as pearls, jade, and agate on He Xiner's purchase list. All the dolls purchased before were used for Hello Kitty, and other series of dolls were not decorated with jewelry.

When the jewels in your hands are used up, it's time to pick wild fruits.

Okay, I'm even more busy now~

(End of this chapter)

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