The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 939 Can't Procrastinate Any Longer

Chapter 939 Can't Procrastinate Any Longer

No matter how busy I am, no one complains, everyone is happy~

Earn money, who can be unhappy?

The doll-making workshop has been moved to the main hall, and the west wing is dedicated to storing wild fruits.

He Xiner and the little girls also put down the cloth and scissors in their hands, and changed to drying black wolfberries.

Ye Shitian and his father, together with Ye Laiyin and Ye Laijin who occasionally helped, contracted the job of picking fruits, and took Dabai to the deep mountains in four or five days.

The people in the village also noticed the signs and guessed that several of their families had found a large fruit forest, and envy and jealousy were inevitable.

The things in the mountain were not grown by their family, so why should they occupy them and make a fortune on their own?
There was one person who said that, and everyone nodded, expressing that it was such a reason.

So, a group of people complained fiercely, but they couldn't do anything about Ye Laiyin's family.

Just imagine if it was them who got such a big baby fruit, they would definitely not drink it all over the world.

But this is only in the bottom of my heart, and I will never say it.

There was that open-minded guy who wanted to follow a few people into the mountain, but he was almost scared out of his wits by Dabai. . .

Since then, no one dared to make such an idea, and could only watch the three families get rich.

That piece of black wolfberry grove is really powerful, it brings a lot of income to the three families every year, and this year is even more extraordinary. From the beginning of fruit picking to the last batch of fruits, the three families have earned a total of more than 1000 taels. One-third more than the previous two years.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin almost turned their mouths into laughter.

And Guan Xiuyuan was both delighted and touched, and said that he wanted to treat Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin to a drink, but they declined, because there are so many things at home, there is no time for drinking!
Therefore, Guan Xiuyuan made an appointment with them to invite the two families to eat noodles at Taifeng Building when Taifeng Building opened in the next year.

This time, Ye Shitian and Ye Lai did not refuse in a hurry, but looked at each other, both a little moved.

Now the two families are having a good time, and they are not greedy for wine and meat. It's just that the children's mothers haven't seen the ostentation of big restaurants. It would be good if they can open their eyes.

Guan Xiuyuan saw the appearance of the two of them, what else did he not understand?
Cheerfully finalized the date and agreed on the matter.

Then, the three seriously discussed the doll's business.

"According to the child's mother, the toys called dolls have been accumulated for a long time."

"It's quite a lot. If it's all filled with cotton, I'm afraid my house won't be able to hold it."

Ye Laiyin was joking seriously, and Guan Xiuyuan and Ye Shitian couldn't help laughing imagining that scene.

"Second brother, we can't delay any longer. If the village is blocked by heavy snow and the roads are blocked, it will be troublesome."

Originally, what He Xiner meant was to put all the dolls on the market after the new year's foundation. At that time, even if the thoughtful store wanted to imitate, it would not be too late to make them.

As long as there are no pirated copies on the market, this one-of-a-kind doll can fetch a good price.

Just in time to make a fortune during the New Year's Eve.

However, the blizzard on the first day of the Lunar New Year left Ye Shitian with lingering fears. He was afraid that such a heavy snow would come at the end of the year, and the road would be blocked, so that the goods would not be able to be transported out.

Ye Laiyin nodded, deeply convinced.

Not to mention the money invested, but to say that the women and children in the family have spent so much thought and energy, and they can't throw things in their hands no matter what.

As a result, the three heads of the family united their opinions and decided to start selling dolls now.

So the question is, where is the right place to sell?
Is it Pingning Town or the county seat?

Do you set up a stall to sell it yourself or ask an embroidery shop to sell it on consignment?
The three of them couldn't make up their minds for a while, and what's more, how to set the price for so many kinds of dolls?
(End of this chapter)

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