Chapter 940 What?Fufu City?

Uncle Mei Guan Xiuyuan's long and narrow peach eyes narrowed slightly, and said with a light smile, "It's okay to talk about other things, but how to set the price, I have to ask Xin girl, she is in charge of the general ledger, and she knows the cost of a doll best. "

"Yes, yes, this business is arranged by Xin girl, and it can't be wrong to listen to her."

Originally, that's what Ye Shitian meant, but Guan Xiuyuan is not as real as his brother, so it's hard for him to say that, let alone Ye Laiyin.

Speaking of it, this business is indeed led by her daughter alone, but it is a joint business of three families, and the money invested by each family is not a small amount, it is not a trivial matter.

Therefore, everything about this business should be discussed jointly by the three companies.

Now, two of the three of them mean the same thing, so Ye Laiyin was no longer modest, but he didn't agree with the big smile, and said with a smile, "I didn't make any preparations before I came here today, so I'll let you go back later." Xin'er lists out the accounts, and we'll do the total together."

"Hey, it's useless even if you hang the ledger on my eyelid, it knows me, but I don't know it!"

The rough guy Ye Shitian has the sharpest temper. Seeing Ye Laiyin's prudence, he waved his hand in disapproval. That means, don't bother him with that boring thing. He doesn't look, don't look, don't look...

Ye Laiyin couldn't stop laughing, and Guan Xiuyuan couldn't help laughing too.

After talking and joking, they all said that those dolls were made by a few girls and their mothers with hard work. Now that it is a critical time, it is time to discuss it with them.

Left and right were not in a hurry for a day or two, and the three of them didn't get entangled anymore. Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin went to the tent to pay for garlic and bean sprouts, and left happily.

It was the end of October at this time, and it rained several times in a row in the past few days, and the temperature dropped below freezing point, which was extremely cold.

There was no shelter on the country road, and the biting north wind roared and greeted people with all its strength.

Both Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin were wearing thick jackets, dog fur hats, cotton gloves, long capes, cotton trousers, and cotton boots, which could be said to be tightly wrapped.

Both of them didn't care how Beifeng roared, talking and laughing all the way, not to mention how happy they were.

Ye Mancang, who was traveling with him, hid in the carriage and remained silent.

Hit his family to build a house, and those who want to marry him can spare Yejia Village several times, but he doesn't want any of them. Those people are all for his house and money, not for him. people.

Seeing that it was the end of the year again, his parents were in a hurry and insisted that he make an appointment before the new year and get married after the new year.

Ye Mancang was very depressed, and he couldn't tell anyone, so he could only hold back by himself.

"What? Fu, Fucheng?"

The three of Ye Laiyin returned home and unloaded the ox cart. They didn't care about the bamboo baskets and baskets, and went directly to Wang and the others to discuss the doll's livelihood.

At this time, in the main hall of the Xikua courtyard, there were two braziers, and the three "masters" Wang, Bai, and Liu were leading He Xiner's four little girls, cutting, sewing, sewing, Embroidery embroidery various busy jobs.

The main hall, which used to be dignified and majestic, is now full of things, on the wooden frames along the walls, on the thick floor mats, even the armchairs for receiving guests, and the grand master's chair at the top.

Ye Shitian and his father, together with Ye Laiyin, couldn't find a place to sit for a while, and it was Ye Mancang who tidied up the things on the grand master's chair to make room.

The women and children in the room were all busy with their work and had no time to serve the elders. Maybe it was Ye Mancang who picked up the kettle on the red clay stove and poured hot water for his father and second uncle to wash their hands and faces.

The three men tidied themselves up and sat down. Before they could drink any water, they casually mentioned some business, and were immediately startled by He Xiner and jumped up from their seats.

"Xin girl, I don't want to scare your uncle. Your father and I are out-and-out village heads. We haven't even been to the county twice, let alone the prefectural city. Where is the gate of the prefectural city? Uncle can't find it... ..."

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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