Chapter 941
Don't look at Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin, who ran to the town as soon as they saw the sky, and have been doing business for more than two years, but they are still simple peasants in their hearts.

And in their hearts, they didn't regard themselves as businessmen, no matter bean sprouts, potatoes, garlic yellow or leek moss, they were either grown in the ground or made of beans grown in the ground, even half a tael of silver a catty Wild fruits are also native to the mountains.

But this Laoshizi doll is different, it has nothing to do with the rough man of the farmer.

To make a living in this kind of business, you have to communicate with real businessmen such as cloth workshops and embroidery villages, so it is inevitable that you will feel a little uncomfortable.

But if it wasn't for consignment, and they set up their own stalls to sell, to be honest, the two of them rough men would really be ashamed to drink on the street with some pink, limp pig heads and kittens.

Also, it would be easier to talk about it in Pingning Town, after all, it is familiar, and it will be different in an unfamiliar environment.

Originally, when discussing with Guan Xiuyuan whether to go to the county seat, the two of them felt a little guilty, the county seat, they have lived a long time, they have never been to the county seat seriously, and they are not familiar with the place, how do they make a living?

Well, if you really want to go to the county town, you have to ask brother Guan (big brother) to take a few days off, otherwise, with their two muddy legs dealing with people in other county towns, I'm afraid they will look down on them.

After all, brother Guan (big brother) is educated, and the shopkeeper in the big restaurant, and he looks gentle, so he will never be underestimated.

The two whispered these words on the road.

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin are really good buddies, they really have a tacit understanding, just like the thoughts in the bottom of their hearts at that moment were surprisingly consistent.

And now, screaming and jumping up from the Grand Master's chair almost at the same time, the expression and demeanor are also synchronized, the dark face is full of shock and disbelief.

Ye Mancang, on the other hand, had bright eyes and stared at He Xiner with a look of joy, as if he was afraid that she would retreat.

Wang's, Bai's, and Liu's eyes were also shining, looking at He Xiner with inexplicable surprise, their hearts were agitated, and they were faintly proud:

Are they so good?

Can these dolls made to coax children be sold in Fucheng?

In fact, the three of them didn't hide their thoughts, but asked them openly.

"Xin'er, can these dolls really be sold to people in Fucheng?"

"Yes, I heard that people living in Fucheng are either rich or expensive. Can they take a fancy to these gadgets we make?"

"Xin'er, mother, did you hear me right?"

Then Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi asked excitedly, with similar meanings, they always felt that the people in Fucheng were extremely expensive, and they were used to using delicate objects, so would they appreciate their work?
Even the little one, Wang Jinling, screamed with excitement.

It is said that there are three women in one play, how about now, there are seven women, big and small, but two stages are set up, and Wang Jinling, who is playing everywhere, is outside, chattering, talking about it is a lively scene.

Instead, the two heads of the family, Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin, were thrown aside and ignored.

The two brothers who were originally shocked, excited, excited, entangled, etc. were a little uneasy, but when they found out that they were isolated from the topic by a group of women and children, and no one answered them, they couldn't help crying and laughing.

The two brothers looked at each other with smiles on the corners of their lips, and the indescribable tension disappeared without a trace, so the two brothers sat down firmly again, and the old god was there to drink tea.

They are old men, they can't be like the old ladies who are so useless, laughing and screaming, and they haven't written a word yet, why are they so excited?

Well, at the critical moment, the gentlemen can still hold on.

He Xiner, who was enthusiastically surrounded by everyone, was quite dumbfounded. She didn't know who to answer first, or waited for a few people to calm down a little before she shared her thoughts.

(End of this chapter)

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