The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 942 This is our treasure at the bottom of the box

Chapter 942 This is our treasure at the bottom of the box
The dolls they designed, cut and made by themselves are absolutely unique in this world, and these dolls are soft, fun and cute, girls will definitely like them, and they won’t worry about selling them .

But Pingning Town is a small place after all, and they have accumulated so much inventory that they may not be able to digest it all at once.

After waiting for a long time, those cloth shops, embroidery workshops, and capable shops will soon be able to imitate similar toys.

Think about those cloth villages and embroidery workshops, which have sufficient manpower and material resources. If you want to do this with all your strength, isn't the speed fast?
I'm afraid they will make fresh dolls before they are sold out.

Wouldn't their goods be in their hands?

What He Xiner said sounds reasonable?

However, after the initial excitement, Bai Shi and Liu Shi became worried about Zhong Zhong. Fucheng was really too far away and unfamiliar to them...

"According to what you said, going to Fucheng is different, will people imitate it?"

"Yeah, if you don't know the place where you live, you can't justify it if you suffer outside."

He Xiner frowned slightly, she only wanted to sell the goods as soon as possible, she didn't think of anything else, if there were local snakes bullying outsiders, it would be really troublesome.

"Cough, cough, don't worry about the one who suffers or loses, we have a clear understanding, so we are not afraid of being bullied."

Ye Laiyin couldn't see his daughter making trouble, so he quickly picked up the conversation.

Moreover, he really thought so in the beginning, no matter whether he went to the county town or the prefectural city, with Dabai following him, he would not be afraid of any petty thieves and hooligans.

All he worries about is business.

Hey, that's all for now, let's continue with the topic just now.

"There are a lot of people in Fucheng, there are a lot of shops, and there are a lot of partners for cooperation. Let's distribute these goods and cooperate with each company, so that we can throw out all the goods as soon as possible.

It is also a unique rare item, and the price can also be obtained.

We have worked hard for half a year, and if we don't sell it for a good price, we will be sorry for ourselves. "

It seems, it seems to be the same reason.

"Then, how about going to the county seat? The county seat is also much larger than Pingning Town."

He Xiner chuckled, "A doll can be sold for [-] Wen each in Fucheng, and at most [-] Wen in the county town."

"Oh my god, five hundred wen? We made two thousand if not three thousand!"

"Xin, girl Xin, are you kidding me? Such a little thing costs five hundred Wen?"


This price is too shocking!
With the current consumption level, cloth heads that can be bought for [-] yuan can be circled around Lao Ye's house, but now someone tells them that this little doll will sell for [-] yuan each!
Although Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian were shocked by the price, they were still calm. Well, they were quite calm on the surface, and they didn't shout.

But Bai Shi, Liu Shi, Wang Shi, and Ye Yuanyuan, Guan Cuizhi, and Wang Jinling couldn't do it. The excitement is really exciting, and I can't believe it or I can't believe it. Don't mention the entanglement.

Seeing this, He Xiner got up and went to the ear room to get a Hello Kitty with red agate eyes and a Hello Kitty with a pearl bow, and said with a smile, "This is our treasure at the bottom of the box. I plan to ask for five taels of silver."



All kinds of gasping sounds rose and fell, Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin were so shocked that they almost fell to the ground.

The Wangs were too shocked to speak.

In the end, everyone, instilled in He Xiner's idea of ​​"things are rare and expensive", reluctantly agreed, but they expressed without confidence that if people think it's expensive, the price should be lowered, and they would rather make less money You can't drop it in your hand either.

(End of this chapter)

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