The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 943 Two Houses Can Really Toss

Chapter 943

Regarding this, He Xiner did not insist, saying that it would be good to play by ear.

Then, a group of people had a heated discussion, but in fact, it was mainly based on He Xiner's opinion.

And He Xiner was not polite, she raised all the questions she could think of without reservation, and everyone discussed together.

"No matter which store or owner it is, the first time you see such a fun and rare item, you will definitely think about how to imitate it immediately. After all, it costs less and makes more money to do it yourself."

Everyone nodded.

In this regard, He Xiner's suggestion is that a shop only offer one series of dolls, for example, the Zhang family is a pig head, the Li family is a big bad wolf, and the Wang family is a little fox...

"We are not consignment, but sell the goods directly to them. As for whether they want to use them as a display after buying them, or resell them, it has nothing to do with us, and it has nothing to do with us how much money they sell."

In short, He Xiner's solution is to get rid of the goods in her hand as soon as possible.

"If someone proposes to only buy a small amount of goods, we directly refuse to cooperate, so we don't want to provide them with samples in vain."

"Anyone who is not stupid will settle accounts. These rare dolls, it is not a loss to buy more goods. On the premise of having samples, you can still earn money for them..."

Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin were confused by what they heard, seeming to understand and not understanding, but Ye Mancang, who had been silent all the time, suddenly shouted, "It's like fishing for a donkey with a carrot..."

"Hehe, you can say that too."

"We have a lot of goods, retail sales are too slow, and we have to rent shops, which is more troublesome and takes time. It's better to cooperate directly with other stores to save time and effort."

"I understand, as long as someone wants to imitate us to make this doll, he must buy our goods..."

Everyone thought about it, and they all felt that this method was feasible, so Ye Laiyin and his brothers discussed to arrange the household work and go to Fucheng as soon as possible.

There are too many goods, and two cars may not be able to fit them.

To go to Fucheng, you must drive a mule cart. I only have one at home, so I have to rent one.

But there are only Ye Shitian and Ye Mancang, and the manpower is too thin.

Mrs. Bai didn't want to let his sister-in-law know about his business in the house, so he didn't plan to bring Ye Mantun brothers with him.

He Xiner gave her father a suggestion, asking Uncle Zhang to accompany her to Fucheng.

Ye Laiyin was overjoyed, it wasn't his daughter who mentioned this, he couldn't think of it for a while.

Big brother Zhang has real skills and knowledge, if he can invite big brother Zhang to go to Fucheng with him, and bring Dabai with him, there will be no problem with his safety.

Ye Shitian and his father were also very happy. After all, they had never traveled far, so they were really a little nervous. With Zhang Tieniu, who had rich experience in marching and fighting, they could feel at ease.

In the afternoon of that day, Ye Laiyin and Ye Shitian went to Zhang's house, and when they told them about their visit, Zhang Tieniu readily agreed, and the two of them were delighted from ear to ear. Get ready in a hurry,

First, the family's bean sprouts and garlic yellow business were all handed over to Ye Laijin, Ye Zutian, and Ye Mantun, which forced Ye Laijin to change his youngest son's treatment time to afternoon.

Then, it is to rent a mule cart and decorate the goods. All the dolls are packed into several large wooden boxes by category, and then the samples filled with cotton are packed into a separate box.

The most important dolls of the Hello Kitty series are all filled with cotton, so that they look three-dimensional and high-grade, and can also command a higher price.

However, in this way, the two mule carts couldn't fit, so I had to rent another one, which barely fit it.

On the day of departure, the three mule carts were packed to the brim, piled up as high as a hill, and Xiaoqian, Ye Guihua, and Ye Feifeng who came out to watch the excitement were stunned.

The second room can really toss~
(End of this chapter)

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