The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 945 The Fire in the Stove Hall Has Fallen Out

Chapter 945 The Fire in the Stove Hall Has Fallen Out
As soon as Ye Laiyin left, Mrs. Wang felt restless.

Oh, no, I was worried last night and didn't sleep much at night. Now that my husband is gone, I am even more worried, and I didn't notice Ye Xusheng at all.

Now that he was about to come back to his senses, he was a little shocked when he heard the elder brother scolding the brat.

The eldest nephew has always been calm, and no one has to worry about his homework. She has never seen her elder brother scold him, and Wang is a little bit overwhelmed.

"Dabai, why are you back?"

Ye Laijingang was about to close the door when a white shadow rushed in, startling him, and when he saw that it was Dabai, he was quite surprised.

Dabai wagged his tail and rubbed against He Xiner's side, hitting her with his big head.

He Xiner's heart was suddenly filled with happiness, and she figured out the big brother's intentions.

On weekdays, whether Dabai accompanied her father to pick wild fruits or accompanied her uncle to hunt, at most half a day, most of the time he was by her side.

The most important thing was that at night, Dabai slept in the kennel outside and never left her.

This time her father will go to Fucheng for at least three or four days, the big hall brother is afraid that if Dabai is not there to guard him at night, will she be afraid?
It's been a long time since that incident, she's not afraid of it long ago, okay?

"Oh, without Dabai following, if your father and the others meet bad people, what will they do?"

Suddenly thinking of this, Wang was so anxious that her face turned pale, and her heart panicked even more, "Dabai, go and chase them, and when you come back, I'll give you meaty bones...

Ye Laijin and Lao Yetou also urged Dabai in unison, both of them were worried about Ye Laiyin, who was going out for the first time, always felt that there were bad people everywhere in unfamiliar places.

With Dabai by their side, they can rest assured.

"Cough, cough, mother, don't worry."

"There are also masters and uncles, don't worry, with Uncle Zhang and the eldest brother here, everything will be fine."

Dabai, this arrogant guy, made up his mind not to move, no matter what her father, uncle and mother said, she just pretended not to hear it, really...

He Xiner had no choice but to comfort a few people with a decent smile.

Alas, who told this guy to be her great ancestor~

Also on weekdays, Ye Xusheng is too low-key, and the big guys often forget that he knows kung fu.

Hearing what He Xiner said now, she suddenly realized what she meant.

"Hey, what Xin'er said is right, that brat and his master are both here, so it seems that nothing will happen, Dabai just stays at home."

Old Yetou nodded silently, and Mrs. Wang didn't say another word.

At this time, the sky had just turned pale, the light gradually brightened, but the howling north wind was even colder, it was still early, and they were not in a hurry to make breakfast, so the Wangs took Dabai back to the Xikua courtyard.

But Ye Laijin followed Lao Yetou to the vegetable shed. After such a good meeting, the brazier in the vegetable shed had already been extinguished, so the two of them were naturally worried.

Ye Laiyin left with Ye Shitian and his son, and the burden on the father and son was much heavier.

In other words, before Ye Laiyin drove the mule cart out of the alley, he was suddenly taken aback by his eldest nephew who jumped onto the cart frame, "Xu Sheng, why are you here?"

"Hey, don't you have to go to school?"

"Dabai goes back to accompany Xiner."

So, Ye Xusheng went to Fucheng together after cutting first and then gathering together.

This trip is five days.

Wang Shi, Liu Shi, Bai Shi and others were all worried and restless, talking day and night, pinching their fingers, and counting the time hour by hour.

Oh, Guan Xiuyuan specially asked for leave with his employer to go to Fucheng together. That day Ye Laiyin and others drove to Taifeng Building to pick him up.

"Second Aunt, the fire in the kitchen has fallen out!"

In the evening of that day, He Xiner and Wang Jinling brought Dabai and accompanied Wang to make dinner in the kitchen. The two little sisters were happily making cat ears. Leng.

(End of this chapter)

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