Chapter 946

"Mom, don't worry..."

The adult mother's heart is not listless, and He Xiner is quite speechless. Her father just went to the capital, and the mother is in such a hurry. If she goes to the capital, what kind of anxiety will she be in?

Hey, this idea is very wrong!

Her mother had never been out of Pingning Town, and the outside world was unfamiliar to her, plus she was worried that her father would not be able to eat or sleep well, and it was normal for her to be in a daze.

Thinking about it this way, she was a little heartless!

He didn't even worry about his father and his cousin at all.

It shouldn't be.

Just as He Xiner was thinking wildly, a faint cry that sounded like a donkey and a horse came to the ears of several people.

"Huh? I think I heard the sound of our mules..."

Before Mrs. Wang could finish speaking, the kitchen door was suddenly opened from the outside, and a thin figure walked in striding in with the cold air wrapped around him.

"Second Aunt, we are back, Second Uncle is unloading the car..."

"I gonna go see……"

Wang jumped up with a face full of surprise, hurriedly dropped a few words, and ran out.

He Xiner and Wang Jinling were dumbfounded.

Ye Xusheng was also taken aback, it was the first time he had seen his second aunt like this.

"Cough, cough."

The handsome young man, with exquisite facial features, clear eyes, and a slender figure as tall as a green bamboo, is standing upright in the steaming kitchen at this moment.

The young man with an elegant demeanor didn't have the slightest sense of dust and dust, and was still refreshed, gentle and indifferent.

It's just that the doting smile in his eyes is almost overflowing.

"Xin'er, big brother is back."

"Hahaha, brother hall, you are miserable, uncle will definitely not spare you!"

Ye Xusheng...

Just can't help crying.

"Big cousin, is Fucheng fun? Is there any monkey dancer? Is there any lion dancer? Is there anyone who breaks boulders? Is there..."

He Xiner stroked her forehead.

Lie on the ground with broken rocks in this cold weather?
Little cousin, are you serious?

Little Wang Jinling was very excited, blocking Ye Xusheng's chattering questions~
Ye Xusheng answered them one by one patiently, but his gaze never left He Xiner's white face.

It was already late at this time, and it was already dusk outside. The candles in the kitchen hadn't been lit yet, and the fire in the stove was emitting a warm red light.

Delicate and smart girl, full of sparks, full of smiles, pure and bright~
Ye Xusheng's heart was beating uncontrollably.

Uncle Ye Laiyin and his nephew returned safely, and the old Yetou finally breathed a sigh of relief, laughing, "The second child's family will cook two more dishes to cleanse the second child."

"Hey, I see."

Wang's face was full of joy, her tone was brisk, and she answered crisply, walking quickly like the wind under her feet.

He grinned at Ye Laiyin. .

Lao Yetou glanced at his second son who was beaming with joy, and asked in a deep voice, "Is everything going well?"

"Well, it went smoothly. Thanks to Brother Zhang, he found an acquaintance to help, and it didn't take any trouble."

Hearing this, Lao Yetou was quite surprised, he thought that Zhang Tieniu was only good at punching and kicking, but he didn't expect him to have such abilities.

As soon as the thought passed, Lao Yetou didn't bother to think about it.

The eldest grandson is on good terms with Zhang's father and son, and Zhang Tieniu is straightforward, so this is not a big deal.

What he is most concerned about now is, how much money did those little gadgets to coax children sell for?

Originally, he didn't believe that anyone would spend money to buy Na Laoshizi.

It's just made of fresh cloth, nothing fancy, as long as you are not stupid, you can do it.

Overtly and secretly, he did not lessen his son.

But his second son was stubborn, and he was always used to his daughter, so he turned a deaf ear to his words.

But now, the beaming appearance of the second child obviously made a lot of money~
"What price did you sell those soft cotton gadgets for?"

 Accidentally ate the title, woo woo woo~~
(End of this chapter)

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