The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 950 I also have private money

Chapter 950 I also have private money
The three elders handed over their things in a snappy manner, and then they didn't speak, just drinking tea with their eyes squinted.

As for the account book, Wang and the others couldn't understand it, so they put it aside for the time being and ignored it, and just happily took the key.

"Oh my god, so many banknotes!"

"Wow, 100 taels."

"Daughter, come and count..."

Wang and others started work at the end of March, and in nearly seven months now, they have made more than 100 dolls, and they brought [-] dolls with them when they went to Fucheng.

The rest are reserved for a few girls to play with.

But the most precious Hello Kitty was a whole hundred, and none of them were kept and all were taken to Fucheng.

"One hundred, two hundred..."

Ye Yuanyuan and Guan Cuizhi blushed with excitement, their beautiful almond eyes were even more amazingly bright, and their small white hands were shaking with a stack of bank notes, as if the paper was so light and heavy.

He Xiner pursed her lips and watched with a smile.

"Oh, I'm going to be confused..."

Fifteen hundred taels of silver bills, eleven fifty taels of silver bills.

"Two thousand and fifty taels of silver."

"Wow, we got rich!"

"My mother, more than 2000 taels, how many?"

He Xiner's voice was clear and crisp. As soon as Cuizhi, Yuanyuan, Wang Shi, Bai Shi, and Liu Shi all jumped around excitedly, Ye Shitian, his son and Ye Laiyin all giggled, but Guan Xiuyuan looked at He Xin I was surprised at the speed at which my son settled accounts.

This girl is really smart.

Everyone was laughing and shouting excitedly, and chattered about all kinds of emotions. When they finally calmed down, they tried their best to suppress the uncontrollable laughter and discussed how to divide the accounts.

That is, the cooperation of the three companies is naturally divided into three parts. This account couldn't be easier.

However, the big guys have tasted the sweetness and are in high spirits. They don't want to just divide the money and break up. They are all gearing up to save a lot of capital for capital and continue to make a living.

Especially Liu Shi, Bai Shi, and Wang Shi, who in the past only revolved around their husbands, children, and stoves, have made such a huge sum of money when they first started their "entrepreneurship", and they suddenly feel that they are better than the old man at home. They are still awesome, so don't mention the mood, it's like eating ice cubes in June, it's so refreshing.

Subconsciously, she straightened her back, speaking with great confidence, and Bai Shi deliberately waved her hands and said, "The 50 taels of silver will be used for running errands for your brothers..."

Ye Shitian, Ye Laiyin and Guan Xiuyuan couldn't laugh or cry.

After laughing for a while, they finally decided to keep 250 taels of silver and continue to make dolls with materials.

The 800 taels of silver were divided equally between the three families, and each family got 600 taels.

Bai Shi, Liu Shi, and Wang Shi stretched out their trembling hands, and took the bank note from Mr. He Xiner, all of whom were delighted from ear to ear.

"Hey, I also have private money..."

"Ha ha……"

Next, Guan Xiuyuan reconciled the account with He Xiner for the money to go to Fucheng, and Ye Laiyin also handed over the remaining broken money.

"There is still money left in the account before, plus the 250 taels of silver, there is a total of 290 seven taels of money, enough to buy some high-quality fabrics and cotton. There are two months before the Chinese New Year, let's make another batch of stuffing A good doll can be sold in the county town, but I'm afraid it won't compare to the price in the prefecture city."

As long as there is money to earn, the big guy will be full of energy, and as for more or less, there is no pressure.

Less is better than nothing.

This Laoshizi doll is sold as a rarity, and it doesn't have any unique technology, it's just that no one thought of it.

Once there are samples, those embroidery shops and cloth shops can all make them.

Taking advantage of the fact that there are no such dolls in the county, hurry up and set them up, and you can make another fortune.

However, we must also consider the weather conditions, try to be as early as possible, and never be blocked at home by heavy snow.

So, time is running out.

(End of this chapter)

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