The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 951 If you don’t believe me, give it a try

Chapter 951 If you don’t believe me, give it a try
So, the three "teachers" Wang, Bai, and Liu made some calculations and reported the items they needed one by one. Ye Laiyin, Ye Shitian and his son, plus Guan Xiuyuan, immediately took them from He Xiner's hands. After paying the money, I put on the mule cart and went to the town to do some big shopping.

The women in the family were not idle either, and started to work quickly with their hands and feet.

"Xin'er, your Kai, um, do you still do Hello Kitty?"

"Don't use that for now, it's too much work, and those little bears in embroidered skirts are gone."

"Success, you don't need to embroider, it's much faster to do."

"Yeah, that kind of simple pig's head can be made thirty a day."

"Then let's make more pig heads. Next year is the Year of the Pig, which is just in time."

"Haha, the year of the pig hugs the pig's head..."

Although he was smiling, he didn't delay the work at hand. He was so busy, the day passed quickly.

In winter, the days are short, and when you arrive, the sky gets dark.

Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Liu took their daughters to say goodbye. After Mrs. Wang sent them away, they cooked dinner as quickly as possible, and then the whole family ate dinner by lighting candles and guarding the brazier.

"Come to see Big Brother tonight, I have something for you."

Ye Xusheng approached He Xiner with a voice that only the two of them could hear, and asked her out in a low voice.

Hearing this, He Xiner was overjoyed, she was so busy chattering all day, she actually completely forgot what her cousin said earlier.

Hey, presents!
Haha, so happy.

So, someone was so happy, he fluttered his bright eyes and smiled foolishly, like a puppy who saw a bone, almost wagging its tail, how stupid and stupid that look is.

Ye Xusheng felt extremely cute, the corners of his lips were raised high, his handsome eyes were slightly smiling, and he was gentle and doting.

Ye Feifeng on the opposite side looked at the two of them suspiciously, wondering why He Xiner laughed like a fool.

But no one answered her questions.

At the end of the month at this time, there is no moon in the sky, only a few sparse stars, shining faintly.

The night is so cold, the bare branches are whining~
He Xiner opened the door lightly, and walked out of the room with Dabai. The biting coldness immediately surrounded her, and He Xiner shivered from the cold.

Will be lying on the warm kang to sleep with her little cousin, and almost fell asleep, if she hadn't been thinking about the mysterious gift from the eldest brother, she really didn't have the willpower to leave the warm bed.

"Shivering, shivering, the cold wind froze me to death, I will build a nest tomorrow."

Dabai, who was by his side, probably thought it was amused after hearing this, so he wagged his tail excitedly, and kept pushing his big head against He Xiner, playing with her.

"Haha, darling, is it because you dislike my sister's slow walk?"

He Xiner suppressed her throat and chuckled.

Dabai continued to arch.

One person and one dog cheerfully walked through the dark night against the cold wind.

As soon as he passed through the arched door of the east courtyard, Ye Xusheng heard the movement and opened the door to greet him. He took He Xiner's hand and quickly walked into the room, "Is Xiner cold?"

"Haha, it's cold, if you don't believe me, give it a try."

He Xiner giggled, a sly gleam flashed in her eyes, she stretched her neck on her toes, and pressed her cold face against the face of Ye Xusheng who was talking to her with his head down...

Ye Xusheng was startled.

The icy and cool little face, tender and soft, is like icy muscles and bones, as smooth as fat~
"Brother Hall, is he stupid? Haha..."

The familiar devil's laughter pierced his ears again, Ye Xusheng's heart palpitations were severe, he did not dare to speak easily, he lightly pursed his big lips and poured He Xiner a cup of hot tea silently, and put it on the Eight Immortals table.

He Xiner giggled and took off her gloves, rubbed her face, took off her cloak, and leaned in front of the brazier to roast.

"Hee hee, I'm alive again."

(End of this chapter)

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