Chapter 955

It was the sixth day of the twelfth lunar month, and Ye Laiyin and his party had been away for three days.

There are two braziers in the main hall of the Xikua courtyard, which make the room warm. Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Liu are all holding embroidery sheds, talking and laughing while doing needlework.

He Xiner, Wang Jinling, Ye Yuanyuan, and Guan Cuizhi nestled on the kang in the inner room, each holding a doll, laughing and making a fuss.

Dabai lay obediently in the kennel in the corner, closing his eyes and feigning sleep.

"It's very cloudy and dark outside, I'm afraid there will be heavy snowfall."

In the future, Bai Shi, who went to the backyard to go to the toilet, was shivering with cold, and ran to the brazier to warm up the fire as soon as he entered the house.

"But don't block the road like the snow on the first day of the new year."

"Who doesn't say it, it's the first time I've seen such a big snow after growing up."

"Yeah, that snow is scary."

"I don't know how the old men are doing?"

"I think I'll be back soon..."

It’s impossible not to worry at all, business matters are okay, they all look at those dolls and dolls are rare, and the little girls don’t like it, such a big county can always sell things, left and right It's just a matter of earning more and earning less.

What they were worried about was of course their husbands. In this extremely cold day, the dripping water turned into ice outside, and the gentlemen were running business outside in the biting cold wind. They couldn't eat well or sleep well. It was really hard work.

Hey, no old man running errands, no matter how good they are, no matter how beautiful the dolls they make, they can't get back the money.

Thinking about it this way, I shouldn't try what I said to joke about a few old men before.

"We're back!"

Wang Shi, Bai Shi, and Liu Shi were muttering about the terrible weather when they suddenly heard Ye Laiyin's hearty voice in the yard, and they were all overjoyed.

"Hehe, the errand boy is back!"

The masters came back safely, Bai Shi was happy, and joked again.

"Sister-in-law's words made elder brother feel very sad."

All three of them put down their work and stood up, but they did not forget to joke.

"Hmph, it was originally, are you afraid to say it?"

As soon as the words fell, Ye Shitian and his son and Ye Laiyin pushed open the door and strode in.

"Hey, are you muttering about us behind your back?"

"As long as your ears are sharp, you can hear it through a wall? See if you can get it!"

"Ha ha……"

It was obviously a joyous atmosphere, but Ye Shitian and his wife deliberately played with flower guns, which made both Wang and Liu tremble.

Ye Laiyin also smiled and said, "It's still early in the day, Brother Guan went straight back to Taifeng Building."

"It's not about working hard, he is the head of the family and the main breadwinner."

Liu was serious and joking, and made fun of the two of them by the way.

Both Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin couldn't laugh or cry.

The old women in the family are almost going to heaven, and they can hardly hold their heads up after ridiculing the old men.

Then again, they are old men with big hearts, so why would they care about a few jokes with the women at home?

Hehe, they are all from our own family, so it doesn't matter if you say a few words for fun.

Jokes are jokes, but the hands of the few people are not idle.

Mrs. Bai poured the wash water, Mrs. Liu made tea, Mrs. Wang went to the ear room to get a bowl and fried noodles, and boiled another pot of water by the way, waiting for the water to boil to prepare the fried noodles.

It was so cold outside that people could be frozen into icemen, thanks to the fact that several people were dressed thickly, otherwise they really couldn't bear it. Leng Lenghaha was busy outside for several days, but suffered a lot.

Well, at noon, I have to cook some good dishes to reward my husband.

When He Xiner, Ye Yuanyuan, and Guan Cuizhi heard the movement, they quickly put down the dolls in their hands, adjusted their messy buns, put on the coats outside, and then got out of the kang and put on their shoes.

Speaking of it, the inner room was warmer than the main hall, the top of the kang was burning hot, and there were two braziers burning vigorously at the foot of the kang, and several people were making a lot of noise, so hot that they took off their outer jackets early.

Hey, it took a lot of work to collect this pass, and the gentlemen outside are all drinking tea and talking.

(End of this chapter)

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