The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 956 You are still the best

Chapter 956 You are still the best

"Uncle, dad, big hall brother, did your journey go smoothly?"

"Well, it went well, very well."

Looking at her pretty daughter, Ye Laiyin smiled like a flower, "I was running out of time when I went back to Fucheng, so I didn't bother to buy things for you. This time, Dad will remember it well..."

"Did dad buy it for me?"

"Haha, yes, yes."

"Brother Guan also bought a lot of things, let us bring them back."

Everyone chatted and laughed, and when the water in the iron pot boiled, Mrs. Wang, Mrs. Bai, and Mrs. Liu hurriedly made fried noodles and served them to the hard-working people.

"Ah, I haven't drank this Laoshizi these days, I've been thinking about it for a long time."

The boss, Ye Setian, didn't need a spoon, and drank directly from the Dahai bowl, sighing while drinking.

Ye Laiyin and Ye Mancang both hugged the Dahai bowl and drank vigorously, but they didn't have time to talk, they just nodded frequently.

They are all frugal, and they are even more reluctant to spend money when they are away from home. If Zhang Tieniu was not accompanying him, they would at most buy a few sesame seed cakes to satisfy their hunger, and make do for a few days.

Although Zhang Tieniu was there, the few of them didn't pretend to be arrogant, and only chose cheap and clean small restaurants to eat, but it was better than being comfortable at home.

After eating a large bowl of fried noodles, Ye Laiyin said straightly, "Finally, I've warmed up."

Ye Shitian and his son also said yes again and again.

These words made Bai Shi, Liu Shi and Wang Shi feel distressed, so they stopped joking.

After eating the fried noodles, Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin didn't wait for Wang and the others to ask questions, and quickly handed over the account book and money.

Those dolls are all filled with cotton, soft and soft, not only good-looking and fun, but also very warm in the arms. There are no such toys in the major embroidery and cloth workshops in the county.

So, business is going pretty well.

This batch of dolls was relatively simple, and I didn't dare to ask for too much. Each doll was priced at 120 renminbi, and there were [-] in total, which was exchanged for [-] taels of silver.

Each family gets 40 taels, and everyone is happy.

These dolls are all made of soft fine cotton, and the cost is not too high. It can be regarded as a huge profit if they can be exchanged for 120 taels.

Now it's the end of the year, everyone made a plan and decided to call it a day and make this doll next year. As for the money in the hands of the accountant Mr. He Xiner, she still needs to keep it.

Wang and the others have been busy talking about it for half a year, and finally they can relax. He Xiner and the others also had time to spare, so they got together and laughed and collaborated to write a little fairy tale.

The women and children were free, but Ye Shitian and Ye Laiyin were too busy to touch the ground, and they would drive the ox cart to the town every day before dawn to deliver garlic and bean sprouts.

When I got home, I had to take turns guarding the brazier on duty.

As long as I have free time, I will take Dabai into the mountains to hunt game.

Hey, speaking of it, the money of the two families is not old or young, so there is absolutely no need for the brothers to fight like this.

But the two brothers seemed to have been beaten with blood, they were full of energy, and they didn't take a breather when they saw the sky turn around.

Xu was teased by the women at home, and his self-esteem was a little bit unbearable.

Haha ...

During the day, He Xiner spends time with her little sisters, happily tossing about, and in the dead of night at night, she lights a candle and writes fairy tales quietly by herself.

Alas, the hall brother is too busy to stay home at night, and the little cousin is back home again, the baby is so boring.

"My darling, you are the best. I will accompany my sister every day. My sister likes you the most."

After writing for quite a while, He Xiner didn't know when, until she was so sleepy that her eyelids were fighting, she put down the pen in her hand, while stretching herself, she still didn't forget to tease her great ancestor.

Dabai, who had already taken a nap, heard his master's praise, immediately regained his spirits, ran up to him, and hugged He Xiner vigorously.

"Haha, darling, you are the majestic and handsome Dabai ancestor, you are so coquettish and cute, is it really okay?"

(End of this chapter)

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