The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 962 Be careful not to get drunk

Chapter 962 Be careful not to get drunk
When Ye Xusheng came home at night, when he heard about it, he was overjoyed, hugged his younger brother for a kiss, even if the other party didn't call him brother, he was still very happy, so excited that he almost wanted to fly.

As for the head of the family, Lao Yetou, he specifically confessed to Mrs. Wang after lunch that he would cook two hard dishes in the evening, and he would happily drink two cups with his son.

With Dabai here, it is not easy to get two hard dishes. I just came back from hunting a bunch of game in the morning, and Ye Laiyin has saved it up, and is going to exchange it for silver tomorrow.

Now that his father had spoken, he didn't say a word, he took two pheasants and two hares, and packed them up early.

In the afternoon, Ye Laijin happily hugged his youngest son and played with the big bad wolf doll with him, not caring about anything else for a moment.

And Lao Yetou personally guards the brazier in the vegetable shed. At night, his two sons and Ye Shitian take turns to be on duty. During the day, Lao Yetou is almost always guarding the brazier. less than.

With him on duty during the day, the two children can spare some time to go hunting in the mountains and earn more money. Old Yetou, who has always been good at calculating, can still settle this kind of account.

In other words, Ye Mancang ate early this evening, and took over the job of guarding the brazier, so that the three old Ye Touye could sit at home and have dinner neatly.

"I'm happy today, Sheng'er will also have a drink with Grandpa."

After lunch, Ye Laiyin cleaned up the pheasants and hares early, and Mrs. Wang took He Xin'er, roasted, fried, steamed and mixed, and cooked a few tough dishes.

There are roasted whole chicken, spicy chicken, stir-fried rabbit, rabbit meat with potatoes, scrambled eggs with dried chili, steamed cabbage rolls, shredded radish cake, and a cold salad with shredded pickles.

However, if the New Year is not a festival, it is quite rich to have these dishes.

Lao Yetou, who was already in a high mood, was even happier.

Xu Shiren was in high spirits on happy occasions, and under the light of the orange-red candlelight, Lao Yetou's dark old face looked bright and energetic. .

"Hey, I'll have a drink with my grandfather, my father and my second uncle."

Ye Xusheng responded without hesitation, causing He Xiner to look at him again and again.

After the holidays, the big brother was busier than before. He didn't go home during the day and night, and he didn't eat at home for two or three days. Now, he actually invited her grandfather to drink, which is really surprising.

"Haha, my eldest nephew doesn't go to school now, so it doesn't matter if he's drunk."

"What your second uncle said is that you removed this small wine cup, and we men drink from bowls."

Drink from a bowl?
He Xiner secretly smashed her tongue.

Uncle is really happy~

Ye Xusheng didn't know what to say to his own father who acted so proudly.

But it was rare for his father to be so excited, so he didn't want to be disappointed, he really put away the small wine cups one by one, ready to put them back in the drawer.

He Xiner hurried over to help get the bowl.

The drawer in the dining room is mainly used to store wine pots, wine cups, tea cups, teapots, tea leaves and other objects. There are not many bowls and chopsticks, which are used as spares.

He Xiner grabbed the corner of her skirt and squatted in front of the drawer, took out four white porcelain bowls, put them in front of Ye Xusheng, and whispered, "Don't get drunk, brother."

"Well, Xiner don't worry."

Ye Xusheng gave her a gentle smile.

The young man's clear and handsome eyes were shining brightly, and he looked at her softly, full of pampering.

In the dim candlelight, the hall brother's figure is as tall and straight as a bamboo, his facial features are handsome and heroic, his eyes are as bright as stars, and he is full of vigor and spirit.


The lobby brother is so handsome!

It is as bright as the sun and the moon in the bosom, and as bright as a jade tree facing the wind.

It is as solemn as Xu Tao among the pines, and as scorching as lightning under a rock.

Proper male god!

Oops, love it!Love it!

Ye Xusheng looked at He Xin'er, who was staring at the starry eyes with amused expression, wondering what was going on in her little head, and said softly, "Later, brother has something to say to you."

(End of this chapter)

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