The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 963 My Son Doesn't Need You to Hug

Chapter 963 My Son Doesn't Need You to Hug

This evening, the gentlemen of Lao Ye's family proudly took big bowls of wine and happily exchanged glasses, the atmosphere was even more exciting than the New Year's Eve.

To celebrate Xiao Xuyang learned how to call wolf and father, he opened his mouth and called "cousin."

It sounds funny, but it's true.

Only the parties involved can experience the joy and gratification.

The female relatives headed by Lao Qian quickly had their fill of food. They were free and teased Xiao Xuyang to talk, but the little guy ignored them and just stared at the big bad wolf in his hand. Covered in a layer of fog, without the previous spirit.

"Xuyang, are you sleepy?"

No matter how coaxed by her grandma or the eldest aunt, the little cousin treats him equally, and doesn't even give each other a look. He Xiner will never intentionally make him call her cousin again.

It was already dark, and two candles were lit in the main room, but it was not enough to illuminate every corner of the room.

At this hour on weekdays, the little cousin went back to bed early.

He Xiner was very speechless towards her incomprehensible aunt. The gentlemen drank alcohol and did not delay her taking the child to sleep. She didn't know what she was thinking. Drink tea and eat melon seeds without moving.

Is it impossible to wait to collect the table and wash the dishes?

Even if it was raining red, she could not be counted on.

"Oh, our Xuyang's big eyes are foggy, as if it's going to rain. Tell my cousin, are you sleepy and want to sleep?"

Perhaps it was He Xiner's eyes full of concern, which were too hot. Xiao Xuyang, who was immersed in her own world, couldn't help staring at her with dazed eyes.

"Does Xuyang want to sleep?"

"Feel, feel."

The still soft, waxy and milky voice was heard clearly in everyone's ears.

It turned out that Ye Laijin at the dinner table heard He Xiner's continuous questioning, but did not see Xiao Qian's actions.

Then, Lao Yetou, Ye Laiyin, and Ye Xusheng also lost interest.

All of a sudden, the bustling dinner table was quiet, and after teasing Xiao Xuyang for a while, the old Qian and his wife outside were only focused on eating melon seeds and didn't speak.

Mrs. Wang went back to Xikua courtyard to add more firewood to the hot kang in her own room and in her daughter's room.

And Ye Feifeng was also entangled in the same chores, and returned to the East Wing.

As a result, Xiao Xuyang's clear voice spread throughout the main room without hindrance.

"Uncle, my little cousin is talking again..."

"Get up, my son doesn't need you to hug him!"

Xiao Xuyang opened his golden mouth again, which made He Xiner very happy. He picked up the little guy and went to find his uncle and big brother, but unexpectedly, the little guy in his arms was snatched away by a gust of wind. , and bumped her into a row.

"Sir, our son is talking again!"

He Xiner...

If this wasn't the little cousin's own mother, she would have wanted to give her a heart-to-heart.

What a wonderful thing!

Call ~
Not angry, not angry.

The little cousin is fine, better than anything else.

In other words, although Xiao Qian jumped up immediately, snatched her son away, and went to announce the happy news to her husband with a look of great surprise, but the other party didn't give her a good face.

Ye Laijin took his youngest son with a cold face, turned his head, and the corners of his lips curled up uncontrollably, "Father, Xu Yang finally got the hang of it..."

"Good, good, good!"

Old Yetou was very excited.

The little grandson can clearly say that he is sleepy, which has a different meaning from the previous simple call.

This shows that his grandson is not ignorant at all, let alone stupid.

The men's spirits rose again, and their smiles became brighter than the other. Ye Xusheng was even more cheerful, indescribably happy, the blood in his body was boiling, and he wanted to run crazily in the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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