Chapter 964 Which is which?

Although the old Ye Touye and the others were happy, they didn't drink any more. They all shifted their positions and went to the main hall to talk.

Ye Laijin was so happy that she couldn't close her mouth from ear to ear, and kept praising Xin'er, but it aroused Xiao Qian's dissatisfaction. They didn't pay attention, but she was so mad.

"Hmph, my son is not stupid at all, he just speaks late."

"I just opened my mouth today. What does it have to do with the second girl?"

Ye Laiyin, who was laughing and teasing his little nephew, immediately turned cold when he heard this.

Old Yetou and Ye Xusheng's faces were also not good-looking.

"Exactly what a fart! I'm in a good mood, I don't want to get angry, so get the hell out of here, don't let me see you!"

He Xiner was teased by her uncle's simplicity and rudeness, she almost laughed out loud, she tried her best to suppress the burst of laughter, her shoulders trembled uncontrollably.

Fortunately, she was not in the main hall, otherwise some people would not be able to come down.

Mrs. Wang, who had already returned from Xikuayuan, was tidying up quickly. He Xiner and Ye Feifeng helped together. Even Ye Guihua, who had always been surprisingly lazy, wiped the table with a rag.

Ye Feifeng didn't even show any expression when the voices of his parents came from outside, as if he couldn't hear them.

Ye Guihua grinned happily.

Wang Shi gave He Xiner a restrained look, but she couldn't help but want to laugh.

It is said that at this time, Xiao Qian's face was blushed by his husband's unceremonious scolding, and he was ashamed and ashamed. He wished to find a place to hide, but he was unwilling to leave in such a disheveled manner and suppressed himself. With the anger in my heart, I wrung my hands and said timidly, "That, that..."

"What, what? Can't poop? Why can't you do anything, eat whatever you want, get out of here, my mother will get angry when she sees you."

The old Mrs. Qian ate a bunch of melon seeds, and she was thirsty and upset. He Xiner will always be pouring tea for her. She just drinks one cup after another. Now He Xiner is going to clean up the table. Her teacup was already empty, and she was already a little annoyed. Little Qian didn't wink, but she didn't know how to play, so she happened to scold her to vent her anger.

Now Xiaoqian couldn't stay any longer, and ran away with red eyes.

It was originally a harmonious atmosphere, but it was completely destroyed by two women surnamed Qian, and Lao Yetou's face was ugly.

Both Ye Laijin and Ye Laiyin were dissatisfied with their mothers, and they insisted on saying such disgusting things in front of their children, really, really don't know what to say.

Ye Xusheng silently took his younger brother's cloak, wrapped him up carefully, Ye Laijin didn't say anything, and went back with his youngest son in his arms.

Then, Wang's wife and Ye Feifeng tidied up the dining room and evacuated very quickly, and Ye Laiyin and Ye Xusheng also left the upper room.

An anticlimactic end to a celebratory feast.

"My darling, while my sister is not here, have you already had a long sleep?"

When He Xiner returned to her own room, the first thing she did was to toss her beloved pet, holding her big head and rubbing it, she laughed happily.

"Oh, it's so cold, it's freezing everywhere, but my Dabai's body is warm, it's so comfortable to hug~"

Dabai, whose hair was messed up by his master, shook his head in a good-tempered manner, and continued to hug He Xiner happily.

One person and one dog had a lot of fun.

"Ha ha……"

"Bang, bang, bang."

It was making a fuss when suddenly there was a light knock on the door.

"Big Brother, the door is open."

He Xiner also didn't make any noise, her parents just fell asleep, so it's not easy to disturb them.

Ye Xusheng pushed open the door in response, walked in with a chill in his body, and gave Dabai a bad look.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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