Chapter 965

In the dark winter night, the stars and the moon are dark, the cold wind is howling, and several rolling mountains are quietly hidden in the dark night, dark and mysterious.

In the shadowy mountain forest, the two figures are running extremely fast, without being restricted by the light at all, whether it is a steep hillside or a messy rock, it is also like walking on the ground~
He Xiner wore a thick cloak to cover herself tightly, and also wore a homemade pink mask, so she was not afraid of the cold wind.

At this time, she was lying on Ye Xusheng's back, her eyes wide open, excitedly watching the shadows of the trees receding, jumping for joy.

The figure of the big white wind and lightning drew white light and shadows in the dark night, chic and handsome, closely following Ye Xusheng's side, neither too fast nor too slow, maintaining the same speed, relaxed and comfortable.

Although he is attacked by knives from time to time, Dabai just pretends that he can't see it, and is still happy and happy.

Hmph, I want to shake off this prince, but there is no way.

In other words, his younger brother's performance exceeded his previous expectations, which already excited Ye Xusheng, and after drinking alcohol, his mood was even higher, and he always had the urge to run wildly.

Just thinking about not having a good time with He Xiner for a long time, and being grateful for her kindness to her younger brother, he suppressed the impulse in his heart and followed his previous decision to go to Xikuanyuan.

Who knew that before he could say anything, He Xiner happily expressed that she was so happy that she couldn't sleep, and she didn't want to stay in the house, she wanted to go to the mountain to soak in the hot spring.

So what is he waiting for?
Naturally, he hurriedly prepared the required items.

As for Dabai's insistence on following, he resisted at first, unable to hold back He Xiner's soft heart, and unable to bear Dabai's stalking, he had no choice but to take it along.

Running all the way in the dark night, He Xiner screamed with excitement, and when she got to the hot spring pool, she spoke a little hoarsely.

"Drink some water to moisten your throat."

The first thing Ye Xusheng did when he put the person down was to take out the water bag in the bag and hand it to He Xiner.

"Thank you big brother."

In the dark night, He Xiner's bright eyes smiled at Mimi, raised her thickly gloved hands to take it, hugged the water bag that had been opened, and drank a few gulps.

"Oh, comfortable!"

"Water is the source of life, water is the source of life, I am like a fish out of water..."

Facing such a nonsensical He Xiner, Ye Xusheng couldn't help crying or laughing. He couldn't help but raise the corners of his lips, looked at her tenderly, and chuckled softly, "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold, it's not cold at all. Brother Datang tried my face and it's warm."

Wanting to show off the effectiveness of her mask, He Xiner stretched her neck on her toes, and brought her face closer to Ye Xusheng, who was bowing her head, to warm up to him.

"Ah, brother hall's face is so cold, like an ice cube. I'll make a mask for brother hall tomorrow, so I won't be afraid of the cold wind..."

The skin is like curd fat, fragrant jade is warm and soft.

Ye Xusheng was stunned, he couldn't hear He Xiner's words clearly, his mind was full of the smooth and soft touch, and his heart palpitations were severe~

"Big Brother, Big Brother?"

"Huh? What will Xin'er say?"

"I said that the big hall brother can't go into the water after drinking, so I asked Dabai to accompany me, haha, I just don't know if Mao Mao will freeze after this ancestor comes out of the water."

After he calmed down, Ye Xusheng smiled lightly and said, "Brother is building a few fires on the shore."

"Hey, sorry for the inconvenience, Brother Hall."

"You're welcome with Big Brother."


"Go to the hot spring with sister, darling!"

He Xiner happily put her arms around Dabai's neck, giggling, "By the way, it's whitewashing, haha..."

This clear and crisp voice struck Ye Xusheng's ears like a thunderbolt, and there was a buzzing in his head, making his ears burn with embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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