Chapter 966 Remember
On the iceberg and snow outside, dripping water turned into ice, but the hot spring pool was still warm as spring. At this time, a crescent moon revealed half a smiling face from behind the dark clouds, and a faint silver-gray light enveloped the whole world.

As far as the eye can see, there is a faint touch of green surrounding the poolside. In this season when everything is withered and yellow, this vibrant green is very precious.

Above the warm spring water, there is steaming steam, like smoke and mist, as beautiful as a fairyland.

"What a great place!"

He Xiner couldn't stop admiring.

Dabai obediently stood beside her and accompanied her, looking at everything around him with great interest.

But at this time, Ye Xusheng didn't care about admiring the scenery in the mountains, he quickly picked up a bunch of dry branches and lit a few small fires.

The rising flames illuminated a small area of ​​space, making He Xiner's body warm.

He Xiner took off her cloak happily, and Ye Xusheng took it over, "Is it cold?"

"Hey, it's not cold at all."

As he spoke, he took off his jacket and skirt very quickly, and only wore a snow-white jacket. He shook uncontrollably, and yelled, "Go into the water, darling!"

"Ah, it's so warm~"

After slowly getting into the water, He Xiner sat comfortably on the big rock in the spring water, with only her head exposed, surrounded by the warm spring water, feeling comfortable all over her body, she couldn't help sighing, "Happy! ~"

Dabai was also happily soaking in the spring water, squinting his eyes comfortably, swimming around with his dog's paws a little farther away from He Xiner, quite comfortable and at ease.

"Haha, brother hall, look at Dabai's expression of enjoying himself, isn't it fun?"

Ye Xusheng didn't know how many times he stared at Dabai, but he would never tell Xin'er.

"Well, that stupid dog is pretty funny."

In a soft tone, he sneered unceremoniously.

He Xiner was taken aback for a while, then laughed violently, "Haha..."

When someone is happy, it doesn't matter, but he forgets where he is. When he habitually looks up his head and smiles, he accidentally puts his head back into the spring water, and loses his balance. It entered her mouth, nose and ears, causing her to kick and move in a panic...

Seeing her slipping into the bottom of the water, Ye Xusheng on the shore was startled, and at the same time, he simply tore off his belt, took off the cotton robe on his body as quickly as possible, plunged into the water with a plop, and arrived in front of He Xiner in twos and ones, vigorously People are pulled out of the water.

"Cough, cough, cough..."

"Xiner, Xiner, are you okay?"

Ye Xusheng sat on the shore, laying He Xiner on his lap, and kept patting her on the back...

Dabai, who was playing in the pool, swam back as soon as his master entered the water. Unfortunately, he was a little far away, not as fast as Ye Xusheng. After a while, there was a puddle of water on the ground.

Dabai wagged his wet tail, and walked around He Xiner anxiously.

"Da, big brother, I'm fine."

He Xiner, who was still lying on Ye Xusheng's knees, spat a few times and felt much better.

Hearing this, Ye Xusheng's face was overjoyed, and he quickly helped her up, fearing that her center of gravity would not be stable, he lightly wrapped her waist with his right hand to support her.

"Oh, this is really a swimmer who drowned in the river..."

Before he finished speaking, Ye Xusheng covered his mouth and said very seriously, "You promised elder brother that you won't die."

The hall brother is angry?

He Xiner blinked her eyes wide, and smiled at Ye Xusheng flatteringly, as much as she wanted.


Knowing her temperament well, even if she showed affection, Ye Xusheng felt uneasy, and looked at her stubbornly, forgetting that the other party was covered by him, and his eyes were filled with deep concern.

 ask for a ticket~~
  Thank you in advance~~
(End of this chapter)

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