The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 968 Listen to what this is talking about Chapter [-]

Chapter 968 Listen to what this is saying
The 16-year-old Ye Xusheng is just at the age of youth, even if he has a clear vision and a pure mind, he can't control his heart beating wildly.

The hazy moonlight, the misty soup spring, the beautiful girl's eyebrows are picturesque, her smile is like a flower, and her crisp laughter flows like a clear spring in a mountain stream~

Ye Xusheng felt blood rushing up all over his body at night, and his mind was in chaos.

"Haha, it's so fun, Dabai is so powerful!"

Delicate cheers sounded, and Ye Xusheng exhaled secretly.

In the hazy soup spring, a huge white figure hunched over a pretty little girl, swimming around leisurely and wantonly, not to mention how pleasant it is.

Ye Xusheng...

A stupid dog can coax its master.

"Big brother, come here!"

The person who was throwing a knife at Dabai heard Zhao Huan, his eyes lit up, and he swam over without hesitation, and then, pulling Dabai's tail to borrow strength, he quickly rolled onto Dabai's body.

Then, Dabai, who was leisurely and wanton, was suppressed by his deliberate force, Gulu sank into the spring water, and spit out a string of water bubbles.

He Xiner on her body also sank, her legs were immersed in the spring water.

"Ah, is Dabai okay?"

It was the first time that she saw Dabai teasing Dabai in such a hurry, He Xiner was startled and then amused, but she was really worried that Dabai would choke on water, so she stroked Dabai who had reappeared worriedly, her tone concerned.

There were two people bent over, but the great white prince shook his head, indicating that it was fine.

Well, it's all right.

If it wasn't for the fact that the master was still on its back, it would have wanted to push that brat into the water.


Ye Xusheng sneered.

"So stupid, how can you protect your master?"


Dabai second cowardly.

He Xiner was slightly surprised.

"Dabai is already very good, please don't be so strict, brother hall."

"I think it is almost fat into a ball, it should be tempered."

Her Dabai ancestor was tall, healthy and majestic, how could he look like a ball?
He Xiner groaned silently in her heart.

Ye Xusheng sat steadily on Dabai's body, holding He Xiner lightly, his legs firmly clamped Dabai's body in the water, and said in a deep voice, "I'm going to practice my physical strength today."

Driven, Dabai rolled his eyes silently, is this brat riding this prince like a horse?

"Still moving?"

So, under someone's lustful power, Dabai, aggrieved, hunches the two of them around in circles angrily.

"Haha, although Brother Datang's move is a little bit damaged, it's really interesting. It's just that I've wronged my dear boy."

He Xiner, who originally had some opinions on the eldest brother, became interested again under Dabai's speed, cheering excitedly from time to time.

Fun is fun, excitement is excitement, He Xiner still feels sorry for her great ancestor in her heart, it was better to carry her alone before, but as soon as the big hall brother came up, he pressed Dabai into the water, and now he makes him carry Two people swim.

Looks like a bit of a bully!

Kind of bullying the dog!

He Xiner couldn't figure it out, she couldn't figure out why the always gentle eldest brother insisted on making trouble with Dabai today.

After thinking about it for a long time, I still can't figure it out, and I simply don't bother to guess again, so let me just ask:
"Dabai is fine, very well-behaved, why does the big hall brother make things difficult for him?"

Ye Xusheng...

Of course the truth cannot be told.

"Brother wants it to exercise frequently for its own good, so that it won't be lazy, eat and sleep, and become more and more stupid."

Listen to what this is saying?

You are lazy, you are stupid!
The furious Dabai gasped for breath.

"Oh, Dabai is tired, let's go down, brother hall."


Knowing He Xiner's temperament well, Ye Xusheng didn't embarrass him anymore, he responded in a deep voice, turned over and jumped into the water with He Xiner in his arms.

"Hey, it's still the hall brother who is amazing!"

(End of this chapter)

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