Chapter 969 Gentle and Careful

Today Ye Xusheng is a little different from the past, he is a little more self-willed, he can swim in the water with his own temper, and let He Xiner play around, and he doesn't want her to go ashore to rest.

He Xiner, who was already in high spirits, had no restraint and had a great time playing. She tossed and tossed in the water wantonly, until she got tired of playing, and then went ashore full of enthusiasm.

His body was steaming hot, and he didn't feel cold for a while, but he was a little tired and yawned weakly on Dabai's body.

The fire on the shore had already been extinguished, but Ye Xusheng lit it again.

He took a large cotton towel from the bag and wrapped it up in He Xiner, "Brother, wipe your hair."

"Well, thank you big brother."

Dabai obediently sat by the campfire, warmed himself by the fire with his eyes closed, and took the opportunity to rest.

Ye Xusheng glanced at it, and a smile flashed in his eyes.

He Xiner sat cross-legged on the warm big rock and let Ye Xusheng wipe her hair. She nodded in sleepiness, yawned and murmured, "Big brother is so kind, gentle and careful..."

Before he finished speaking, he fell asleep with his head tilted.

Ye Xusheng hurriedly embraced the swaying person, still gently brushing her hair with his left hand.

Fortunately, he had prepared a lot of dry branches, and now holding He Xiner in his arms did not delay him from filling the firewood. He picked up the burning fire with a long branch, and the flames rose up, warming the surrounding area.

After a while, all the wet clothes on his body were blown dry.

It was midnight at this time, the sky was covered with dark clouds, the stars and the moon were dark, as if a big snowstorm was brewing.

"Xin'er wake up, put on your jacket, we should go back."

Someone who was sleepy and staring, couldn't open his eyes heavily, and just answered indiscriminately, but didn't wake up.

Ye Xusheng had no choice but to reach out to take the jacket that had been baked for her, and help her put it on. Although someone was sleepy, he knew how to cooperate, stretched his left arm and right arm, and continued to sleep.

Ye Xusheng fastened the buckle for her with a blushing face.

The double-breasted straight collar embroidered narrow-sleeved padded jacket that He Xiner was wearing was close-fitting and light, but it was a bit troublesome to tie it at the top.

Because the golden butterfly handicap is the highlight of this jacket, it is very delicately made, and the two pairs are arranged tightly, which is very interesting.

It's just that it's hard for Ye Xusheng to fasten the buckle with great difficulty, but he can't put the skirt on her calmly.

It was necessary to wake up the sleeping person softly.

Yes, that's right, someone is indeed half awake.

He Xiner still closed her eyes tightly, fumbled to put on the skirt, and fell into a deep sleep the moment she tied the belt.

Seeing this series of actions, Ye Xusheng couldn't stop laughing. He lowered his head and put on her boots, picked her up and put her on Dabai's back. He covered her tightly, and put the mask on her carefully.

He casually threw the packed baggage to Dabai, carried He Xiner on his back, and ran down the mountain at top speed.

The elegant great white prince was somewhat unwilling to put on a burden that affected his handsome image, and followed him closely.

Hmph, that brat will bully his master while he's asleep!

After Ye Xusheng sent him back to Xikuayuan to settle down, snowflakes fluttered outside, pieces like goose feathers, accompanied by the howling north wind, covering every corner of the earth.

He Xin'er's kang was covered with a rabbit fur mattress, which was soft and warm. The kang was burned at night, and it is still hot now. At this time, someone was covered with a moderately thick quilt, sleeping very soundly.

Ye Xusheng stared softly at her small white face for a few moments before turning around and leaving. Dabai outside was asleep with his eyes closed, but he listened for a while with his ears closed until the sound of his footsteps left. Far to continue to sleep.

The moon was covered by dark clouds, the sky was covered with heavy snow, the sky and the earth were vast, and the footprints that Ye Xusheng had just walked were immediately covered by the snow.

(End of this chapter)

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