Chapter 970
The sky was very overcast, and heavy snow blocked the view. It was hard to estimate what time it was, but Ye Xusheng didn't want to sleep, so he simply went to Zhang's house to torment Zhang Dongqiang.

"Did the brat not sleep again?"

The gentle and jade-like Mr. Pianpian also has the urge to wake up. After all, anyone who is sleeping soundly in a warm bed will be upset if someone suddenly wakes him up.

"It's Yin time, get up and practice."

"The devil believes you!"

Even though he said so, Zhang Dongqiang still got up out of bed, and Zhang Tieniu, who was sleeping in the other room, also heard the movement, tidied up quickly, and rushed over.

"Hey, boy Sheng, did you think of any difficult moves?"

Seeing Ye Xusheng's radiant look, Zhang Tieniu couldn't help but joke.

"Dejected Soul Palm."

"Haha, as the saying goes: those who are depressed and ecstasy, the only thing is to be different~"

"This set of palm techniques was created by people who have lost their love and frustration. They must be in a sad state of mind to exert their power. How can a kid like you who is in the prime of life and high-spirited can figure it out."

In fact, the so-called incomprehension is just Ye Xusheng's joke. It is a fabricated character and a fabricated move. He only needs to write the fighting process more excitingly.

However, Zhang Tieniu's words are also true. Now Ye Xusheng naturally finds it difficult to understand the state of mind of a frustrated person. He always feels that Yang Guo in his writing is lacking. Therefore, the finished Condor Heroes is not in a hurry to send it away for printing. into a book.

Now Zhang Tieniu's words were really enlightening, which made Ye Xusheng suddenly enlightened, and couldn't help but lift up his spirits, "Dongqiang, Dongqiang, I thought of it, I thought of it..."

For a long time, Zhang Tieniu only fought with him, and did not participate in writing. It was Zhang Dongqiang who worked together with him to improve the writing.

Even though both of them are extremely smart and have good literary skills, due to the age limit and the fact that they have never had a relationship, it is naturally difficult to describe the heart-wrenching emotion.

No matter how precise the wording is, no matter how beautiful the language is, there is always something missing to make people feel sympathetic.

Well, two people who are full of knowledge are not as good as Zhang Tieniu, a big boss who can see thoroughly.

As a result, Ye Xusheng and Zhang Dongqiang rushed to find the manuscript, discussing what needs to be revised...

Seeing the happy faces of the two, Zhang Tieniu just felt amused, lightly lit a small stove to boil water, and then quietly left.

A fire dragon was born in Zhang Dongqiang's room, and it was as warm as spring. It was so hot that Ye Xusheng took off his jacket and only wore a black jacket. He sat around the desk with Zhang Dongqiang who was wearing a white shirt, revising the manuscript with great interest.

The two, one white and one black, complement each other perfectly.

The two people who were in a state of madness worked hard for a whole day, and didn't put down the pen and paper in their hands until night fell again.

If Zhang Tieniu hadn't come in on a regular basis to deliver food and drinks to the two of them, the two of them would probably have forgotten about the meal.

"Uncle Zhang, what time is it?"

"Xu Shi three quarters."

After the two people who finally revised were satisfied, Ye Xusheng realized that the candles had already been lit in the room, and it happened that Zhang Tieniu came in again to pour water for the two, so he asked a casual question.

"It's so late, I have to go back."

"Oh, it's not that easy to come and go when you want to."

"How are you doing?"

"Practice the left and right fighting skills with me."

Since "The Legend of the Condor Heroes", Zhang Dongqiang has been fascinated by this single-minded, double-purpose left and right fighting technique, but unfortunately he can't use it as he likes. Now the two have written The Legend of the Condor Heroes, which includes Zhou Botong The left and right fighting technique is a tie with Yang Guo's Desolate Ecstasy Palm.

Zhang Dongqiang is even more itchy, he is determined to practice this kind of kung fu, but if Ye Xusheng has skills, he will definitely pester him to learn from it.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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