The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 971 She's a Big Girl

Chapter 971 She's a Big Girl
At the end of the year, the weather became colder and colder, and it snowed heavily from time to time. Yuanyuan and Cuizhi stayed at home and didn't go out very much. She rummaged through the gray cotton cloth and cooperated with her mother to make a doll for Xiao Xuyang.

Hey, when it comes to cooperation, it's almost all done by the Wang family. He Xiner only cuts out the fabrics needed, big and small, and her mother does all the rest.

"It's still my mother's dexterity. This big bad wolf doll is really exquisite."

"Hehe, I will coax my mother."

"No, I'm telling the truth."

Seeing the girl pouted, her eyes sparkling, her smile cute and innocent, Wang's heart softened, and her tone was also soft, "Chinese New Year is coming soon, do you want to add two more?" A new dress?"

"No need, it will get warm soon after the new year, and I have made too many clothes, and I can't wear them."

"Then add two pieces of jewelry. After the new year, you must always dress up. Tomorrow, let's go to the town with your uncle's mule cart."

In the doll business, every family has made a lot of money. Mrs. Wang is really happy that her hands, which are used to doing rough work, can earn money back. A sense of accomplishment, especially confidence, the whole person's aura has changed a lot.

Ye Laiyin didn't touch a penny of the money she and her daughter earned, and she kept it for herself.

There is Dabai at the left and right houses, so he is not afraid of someone sneaking in.

Wang's is used to being frugal, and she doesn't spend money recklessly when she has money in her hands. The clothes and jewelry she wears are all bought by He Xiner and Ye Laiyin. She rarely goes out, and the other She is not willing to spend, and saves all the money Ye Laiyin gave her on weekdays and hardly uses it.

This was the first time he offered to go shopping in the town, but it was also to buy things for his daughter.

She thought, her daughter will be 13 years old in the next year, and she will be able to see others, and it is time to add some clothes and jewelry, she is already a big girl.

"Hey, we started a private business this year. My grandma must be thinking about it. It doesn't matter if you honor her with a few things. I'm afraid that she will go to town together, and then the lion will open her mouth and ask for this or that. That would be difficult.”

Hearing this, the movements of Wang's hands paused, and said softly, "When your father came back from Fucheng, he gave her money."

"My grandma's temper, doesn't mother know?"

Wang Shi nodded lightly, she naturally knew what kind of temperament her mother-in-law was.

"Then, let's not go to town yet."

"We should go and we have to go, but we have to stay with us when Dad has time."

"Well, just wait for a few more days. Your grandfather said that he will give you garlic yellow for two more days, and keep the rest for homemade dumplings."

"Hey, my grandpa used to enjoy it~"

This made Mrs. Wang dumbfounded, and said angrily, "You are also a big girl, so you have to be more careful when you speak in the future."

"Hmm, I see."

He Xiner nodded repeatedly, expressing that she was educated.

As for whether to change it or not, I don't know.

The two women sat on the kang in the main room, warmly doing needlework and gossiping, very comfortable and at ease.

Dabai lay obediently in the simple kennel, took a nap with his eyes closed for boredom, his strong body was handsome even if he lay lazily and without image, and the noble aura in his bones was inadvertently exuded, elegant like a prince.

But in He Xiner's eyes, she only felt that her pet was cute and cute. Look at its snow-white fur, fluffy and fluffy. Her hands were itchy when she saw it, and she wished she could pounce on it and rub it immediately.


Fluffy and fluffy!

The cute woolen doll that pays for your life!
(End of this chapter)

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