Chapter 972 Big?how big

When He Xiner looked at her beloved pet with a smirk in her eyes, she suddenly thought of an excellent idea.

"Haha, my Dabai ancestor is simply my lucky star!"

The sudden burst of laughter and cheers from a certain person startled Mrs. Wang, and he almost stabbed his hand. It was amused and somewhat reproachful, "Why are you calling your ancestors again?"

He Xiner was only thinking about things in her own way, and didn't even bother to respond to her mother's words for a moment.

What does she seem to have overlooked?
"Mom, do you have that kind of thick wool?"


"Yeah, much thicker than silk thread."

"Mother has never seen it, but I heard from your Aunt Liu that there is something called a carpet made of wool."

He Xiner's eyes lit up, yes, the nomads used wool to weave wool a long time ago, and it has a wide range of uses.

It just costs more.

Cotton or silk yarns and cloth are the most basic source of clothing materials because they are cheaper than wool textiles, durable and easy to tailor, and more importantly, they can be produced in large quantities.

Their family is an ordinary farmer's family, and naturally they have no access to expensive wool products.

The wool used for carpets is probably not cheap~

He Xin'er was lying under the kang table, propping her arms and holding her head in her head, fascinated by thinking about things, Wang Shi smiled and didn't bother her, her daughter might think of some good idea.

After thinking about it for a while, I don't know what the price of the woolen yarn is, and I don't know if there is anyone selling it in Pingning Town, so I can't make up my mind for a while.

Let's go to the town and look around and find a seller.

I have been there so many times before, but I have never seen it, so I don't have much hope.

For things that she couldn't make up her mind about, He Xiner didn't struggle, she went through her mind and threw it aside.

I continued to look at my beloved pet up and down. The dolls I made before were all relatively small and cute types. The biggest one was the big bad wolf, but it was not too big, about ten inches long and five inches wide.

Just imagine how big the objects that Xiao Xuyang plays with in his arms can be?
Although He Xin'er is in a small mountain village, she doesn't know much about the situation in the prefectural and county towns, but thinking about it, as soon as her family's dolls are on the market, many imitations will be launched one after another.

This is inevitable.

Then, there would be no advantage for them to make small dolls. If so, what about making large dolls?
Like a big dog, a big lion, a big tiger?

This is great to try!

Thinking of this, He Xiner immediately regained her spirits, jumped off the kang and ran with her shoes on, startling Wang and telling her to be more careful.

He Xin'er, who was not wearing a cloak but only a thin jacket, shivered as soon as she left the main hall, shrank her neck and ran back to her room to get a pen and paper. When she was in the courtyard again, she was shivering from the cold. trembling.

Sprinting at a speed of [-] meters, he rushed back to the main hall, jumped into the inner room and got on the kang, "It's so cold, so cold, it's about to freeze into a popsicle."

"What are you in such a hurry for? My hot body is facing the cold wind. What should I do if I'm sick?"

"Well, I know I was wrong, and I must pay attention next time."

Seeing her mother's face changing, He Xiner was very obedient.

"What is this going to do again?"

"Hey, I want to make a big doll, first draw a picture for my mother to see."

"Big one? How big is it?"

"It's as big as Dabai."

Wang's mouth was wide open in surprise, Dabai was as strong as a calf, if he were to make a doll based on its body, how much cotton would it need to fill?
No, no, it's not about the amount of cotton, but about the size of the doll, which cannot be hugged!
So, Mrs. Wang didn't hold back, and brought up her thoughts one by one.

"The big doll is not for hugging, but for sleeping with your arms around it."

Hug-hug-sleep-sleep! ! !

Wang was dumbfounded.

 ask for a ticket~~
(End of this chapter)

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