The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 973 Really Embarrassing Him

Chapter 973 Really Embarrassing Him

Mrs. Wang has lived a long time, and she has never heard of sleeping with something to hug, let alone the eldest animal doll, who is really incapable of accepting it.

And always thought it sounded too, too...

Anyway, it's kind of embarrassing...

But seeing her daughter's excited look, Wang moved her mouth but didn't say anything.

There is nothing to do left and right, so let her toss about it. After making a sample, let's see how it works.

Just like that, Mrs. Wang endured the doubts in her stomach, and lowered her head again to do the needlework in her hand, and then sewed a big bad wolf's claw, and the work was basically completed. Filled with cotton and closed the mouth, she can give it to her little nephew. sent.

Whether it's Ye Xusheng or Xiao Xuyang, Wang always likes him from the bottom of his heart.

For Wang, the eldest nephew was calm and prudent when he was young, he was kind and pure, he respected his elders, he loved his younger sister, and he treated her daughter better than her own brother. Consolation post, I am quite satisfied with Ye Xusheng, and emotionally it is not far from my own son.

As for her little nephew, she was more sympathetic.

Xiao Xuyang was diagnosed as Wuhuier since she was a child, but she is fair and handsome, very cute, her ignorant eyes are pure and clear, and her pure temperament is like a little fairy boy who has fallen into the mortal world.

Anyone who sees him will be turned into a bud by him!
Mrs. Wang looked coldly at Mrs. Xiao Qian's mother, instead of taking care of her sick little nephew with all her heart and responsibilities, on the contrary she felt a little disgusted.

This made Mrs. Wang very disdainful. As a woman, as a mother, shouldn't a child who was conceived in October and raised with difficulty should be loved and cared for in every possible way?

Regardless of whether the child is smart or stupid, they are all his own blood, so how can there be any reason to dislike and hate him?
In other words, the cute and cute little Xuyang is so cute that she is full of maternal love, and she can't wait to hug her in her own room to raise her, but she also knows that it is impossible.

It doesn't matter if the incomprehensible sister-in-law doesn't mention it, but the eldest brother is indeed a good father and father. He is obviously a rough man, but he is extremely patient. He taught the little nephew to speak over and over again, really embarrassing him.

Wang sighed quietly, took the scissors and cut off the thread in his hand, and began to stuff the doll with cotton.

Everything was ready, and there was no need to get off the kang. I reached out and dragged the burden from the end of the kang to the front, took a handful of cotton, and stuffed it carefully, first the limbs of the big bad wolf, then the head, and finally the body. I didn't rush to close my mouth, but sorted it out carefully, trying to make the cotton in every place equally symmetrical and equal in thickness.

He Xin'er was lying on the kang table, racking her brains to draw the design of a large doll, but she was not a professional, and the curves she drew were not beautiful, so she hated it when she saw it, so she made a mess and started again.

Well, after a while, there were seven or eight balls of paper on the ground.

Smaller dolls are lucky, sometimes they don’t need to make a picture, they just need to talk to the three “teachers”, and they can cut out the shape according to their own imagination.

Moreover, most of the small dolls are cartoon images, with bright colors and exaggerated and funny shapes. As long as the colors are well matched, the needlework is reasonable, and the cotton is filled, a soft and super cute doll is completed.

Even the Hello Kitty, which she puts the most thought into, is also small and exquisite, and the tailoring and color matching are not too troublesome, it is only better than the exquisite dress.

And those bows are almost half-finished.

But large dolls are not easy to make tricks, let alone other things, at least have accurate data, otherwise it is not easy to cut, and a large piece of material will be wasted if you are not careful.

He Xiner suddenly discovered that they had been making dolls for more than half a year, but they were very unprofessional. Every series of dolls was almost the same.

This is really...

Hey, it means that every doll they make is unique.

That's the reason, um, yes.

(End of this chapter)

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