Chapter 974 I thought of it
Although He Xiner was a loose person, once she was focused, she was quite persistent. She had the kind of determination to not look back even if she bumped into the south wall.

You can get a glimpse of it by looking at the waste paper all over the floor.

"What are you doing, girl?"

After Wang finished making the big bad wolf doll in her hand, she quietly left the house without disturbing He Xiner to deliver the doll to Xiao Xuyang, and then prepared lunch.

He Xiner was only thinking about things, and didn't notice that her mother was out of the house, and it was Ye Laiyin who came in and spoke loudly, which woke her up.

He Xiner hurriedly put down the pen in her hand, got off the kang, poured hot water for her father to wash his hands, and quickly made a pot of hot tea.

"Father came back late today, is it not easy to walk on the road? Is it very cold after heavy snow just now?"

"Well, it's very cold outside just after the snow stopped, but Dad is dressed thickly, so he doesn't feel cold. The road is full of snow, so he walked slowly."

Ye Laiyin took off his cloak, hat and gloves, and smiled as he watched his daughter busy with work, with a happy expression.

Dabai, who was in the room, came to the main hall slowly with graceful steps, first squinting at Ye Laiyin's dog fur hat, he has been displeased with this hat for a long time...

The eyes full of indignation happened to be caught by He Xiner.


Patriarch Dabai is angry!

He Xiner rolled her eyes, not knowing how to explain this kind of thing to her ancestors, because she was too fascinated by her thoughts, she didn't hear what her father said for a while.

"Xiner, Xiner, what are you thinking?"

Ye Laiyin washed his hands and face, sat down on the grand teacher's chair and drank some hot tea, and continued the previous topic, asking He Xiner what happened to the waste papers that were thrown all over the floor, but he couldn't even ask his daughter twice. There was no response, and he just stood there blankly, and he froze.

"Oh, what did Dad say?"

He Xin'er finally came back to her senses, she was talking about her father, but she ran to the hanger to take off the dog fur hat at the first time, and then smiled at Dabai, "That, that, that..."

He rolled his eyes speechlessly.

Ye Laiyin suddenly slapped the table vigorously, making a "bang", "Why didn't I think of this, understand the psychic, I must despise this dog fur hat. From now on, Dad won't wear such a useless hat."

"Hey, Dad and I bought a fox fur hat, it's warm and light."

"it is good……"

"My God! My God! I thought of it! Ahh! I thought of a brilliant idea!!!!"

For some reason, He Xiner suddenly went crazy, yelled, threw the dog fur hat in her hand, and threw herself on Dabai, hugging its neck happily, laughing and laughing. Yes, that look is really crazy.

Ye Laiyin only said one good word, and was startled by her daughter's crazy behavior, she slowed down a little, and then laughed loudly, "Xin'er has any good ideas, let me tell my father, and you Happy together."

So, He Xiner restrained her smirk, and talked about her thoughts with her father in detail, "I thought that the dolls made of cotton, silk, brocade and other materials are similar and different, and they are all brightly colored. , the shape is cute, but this kind of thing is too easy to imitate, and we have no advantage."

Ye Laiyin nodded solemnly, it is a pity that this is such a good business.

"Before, when I saw Dabai's fluffy fur, I thought about using wool to make that kind of plush toys, but it's not easy. Besides, the shops in the town don't seem to sell wool."

"Then, I want to make a super-large doll, as big as Dabai's body, made of plush fabric, filled with cotton, big and soft, and can be used as a sleeping pillow and hugged to sleep."

Ye Laiyin's dark face was visibly stunned, and then he continued to listen to his daughter as if nothing had happened.

(End of this chapter)

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