Chapter 976

Hearing my daughter's ramblings, she couldn't express Dabai's heart, so she couldn't help laughing.


"Mother guess, Dabai must want to eat cake."

Ao Jiao Bai, who was eating slowly and with his head down, immediately raised his head and gave Mrs. Wang a look of appreciation.

He Xiner...

I said ancestor, you are a dog, a dog!
She doesn't like to eat meat, but loves to eat cakes, what a miracle!

But she won't say this, she can only whisper it silently in her heart.

Then, she felt the squinting gaze of a certain arrogant white, and she felt a little guilty, "Hey, darling is really different, and this hobby is also quite unique. Do it for you..."

Shaking her head dumbfounded, Mrs. Wang picked up the porcelain basin and said, "It's cold, and the food gets cold quickly, so don't delay, go wash your hands and eat."

"Hey, I see."

"After eating obediently, go back to the house by yourself. In the afternoon, my sister will take you shopping."

He Xiner smiled and reminded her great ancestors before she got up to fetch water and wash her hands.

For lunch, Ye Xusheng naturally didn't come back, everyone else was at the table, and when He Xiner arrived, her mother had already served the rice porridge.

After the heavy snowfall, the sky cleared up and the sun was bright, shining on the earth, which seemed like a warm winter sun.

Taking advantage of the sunny day, Lao Yetou added a few sticks of firewood to the brazier and let it burn by itself, while he went home to eat with his hands behind his back.

"Xuyang got a new big bad wolf?"

"It was made by the second younger sibling and the second girl general. This kid is also fond of the new and dislikes the old. When he sees this, he hugs him and doesn't let go."

Ye Laijin was in a good mood, smiling from ear to ear.

Lao Yetou nodded, very satisfied with the second wife and wife, and praised He Xiner a few words with a smile. He is a father-in-law, and he is used to putting on airs, so naturally he would not praise Wang's too bluntly. .

It's very rare to be able to treat He Xiner so kindly. He didn't see his granddaughter Ye Feifeng as a transparent person in his eyes, and he didn't say a few words all year round.

One is because He Xiner thought of those money-making jobs for the family, and the other is that He Xiner never fears him, and always talks to him with a smile, eyes full of admiration, respectful but also very affectionate and natural.

He felt comforted from the bottom of his heart, so he really loved He Xiner as his own granddaughter.

Grandpa and grandson, you said I answered, and they had a good time.

Xiaoqian couldn't get used to her father-in-law flattering her second wife, but he was making toys for her son, so she always kept her mouth shut, so she couldn't find fault, but she was really not convinced, so she kept making small moves, either curling her lips or rolling her eyes .

She only thought that others couldn't see it, but because of the angle of the old Yetou sitting at the top, she could clearly see everyone's expressions.

"Boss, get rid of your woman who has no morals, words, looks, and skills! She is not allowed to come to the upper room in the future!"

Old Yetou was really annoyed to the extreme, he had never seen such a daughter-in-law who didn't have the self-consciousness of being a junior at all, he was really pissed off!
If he wasn't afraid of scaring his little grandson, he would have flipped the table over!
What the father-in-law said made Xiaoqian feel as if he had been struck by a thunderbolt, and he was about to howl in a high-pitched voice, "I am so wronged..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ye Laijin covered his mouth and forcefully dragged him out.

The whole family was dumbfounded and didn't know what happened, especially the old Qian who buried his head in eating, and Monk Zhanger couldn't figure it out.

It's just that she is not interested in caring about her niece, so she glanced at Xiao Xuyang who was holding the big bad wolf expressionlessly, and told Ye Feifeng casually, "The big girl is optimistic about your brother."

Then continue to bow your head to eat.

He Xiner and her mother looked at each other silently. The two of them sat down. The angle was a problem, and they didn't see Xiao Qian's little movements. They didn't know what kind of anger the old man was throwing.

 ask for a ticket~~
  Thank you in advance~~~
(End of this chapter)

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