The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 977 Don't Be Afraid

Chapter 977 Don't Be Afraid

Ye Laiyin sneered, that idiot who doesn't know how to act like everyone else is blind~

His position happened to be able to see Xiao Qian's expression, but he didn't have time to look at that idiot, and when he was looking at his little nephew, he happened to see Xiao Qian's making small movements.

After a while, Ye Laiyin felt angry, but before he could take any action, his father was ahead of him.

The people had already been driven away, but the old Yetou still felt puzzled, his old face seemed to be dripping, gloomy.

Except for the old Qian who ate into the state of ecstasy, everyone else was careful, after all, no one wanted to raise eyebrows.

Soon, Ye Laijin came back, and his face was also not good-looking.

Everyone has some indigestion after eating a meal.

Ye Laiyin didn't take the initiative to mention going to town.

In other words, now mule carts and ox carts all go in and out of the backyard, and old Qian lives in the house every day, sitting on the hot kang, hardly going to the backyard, knowing nothing about the movements of Erfang's family.

Originally, Ye Tou didn't know about it. After dinner, he went to the vegetable shed. Ye Laiyin's family hadn't left at that time, and the mule cart and ox cart were naturally there. When he went to the toilet in the backyard, he found the mule cart at home. The car was not there, and I was very puzzled.

There is Dabai in the house, and the side door is in good condition, so it is not like thieves have entered.

The left and right are either the eldest or the second, and no one else can drive the mule cart away without making a sound.

Thinking of this, Lao Yetou didn't bother anymore, it was so cold outside that ice scum fell off, and it was better to be warm in the vegetable shed, so don't stand outside and suffer from the cold, it would be nice to have some time to smoke in the vegetable shed warmly .

At this time, the second room of the old Ye family, Ye Laiyin's family of three and Dabai had already arrived in Pingning Town.

Although the wind is howling outside and it's icy cold, but because it's the end of the year, all the shops are overcrowded and quite lively.

Thanks to He Xiner bringing Dabai, otherwise she and Wang wouldn't be able to squeeze in.

But Ye Laiyin had to guard the mule cart, so it was not easy for him to get into the crowd of women, so only the Wang family and his wife entered the shop.

If you want to talk about Dabai's head and this imposing manner, it really frightens people to look at, especially for women, when they suddenly see a big dog like a calf, they are all horrified, and subconsciously hide in the crowd, which is just right for congratulations Xiner and his party vacated their seats.

Mrs. Wang, who has always kept a low profile, felt a little sorry for this, and explained with a smile, "My big dog is very docile and won't bite. Don't be afraid, everyone."

He Xiner laughed, her own dog is naturally not afraid, but outsiders are not. Suddenly seeing such a huge creature walking in front of her, it's not bad if she didn't startle and scream.

If she were to be replaced, it would probably be called a broken house.

Thinking of this, He Xiner subconsciously looked at Dabai to see his reaction.

Seeing that the other party gave her a supercilious look.

He Xiner...

Well, her ancestors were temperamental and individual, not docile by any means~
"Hehe, all aunts, aunts, and sisters, don't worry, my Dabai family neither bites nor yells..."

The shop owner was originally very dissatisfied with the behavior of the two women who caused such a big fight and disturbed the business. Now seeing the two women take the initiative to explain to everyone and have a good attitude, they let go of their anger.

He greeted the Wangs and his wife kindly, and told them to look carefully, and just tell him what they want.

Then, the shop owner had almost no time to take care of other customers, because he was completely occupied by the Wangs and his wife.

Anyway, there are other young men in the store, who can entertain other customers, so he concentrates on the business of Wang's wife.

The couple did not disappoint him, they bought a lot of goods, and the boss grinned happily.

(End of this chapter)

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