Chapter 978 Let's Hurry Back
The mother and daughter are not fussy at all, they are quick to buy things, and they are quick to give money. They bought a lot of things, but it didn't take much effort.

The shop owner happily ordered the boy to take the things to the car outside, and said goodbye to the Wang mother and daughter happily.

He still doesn't know how much benefit he has brought because of today's good attitude.

Of course, when the New Year passed, when Ye Laiyin approached him to discuss cooperation, he still didn't know the reason. There were several fur shops in the town, and the other party didn't even have a comparison, so they decided to make a deal with him. After placing a big order, it really felt like eating ice cubes in June, it was so refreshing!

This is a later story, so I won't mention it for the time being.

It is also said that the Wangs and their wives were talking and laughing with Dabai, and they visited this house and that house with great interest and joy.

Mrs. Wang has been busy from the beginning of the year to the end of the year, and there is almost no time for leisure. How can there be time for shopping and playing in such a relaxed and carefree street like today?
My daughter held her arms affectionately, accompanied her happily, and even bought her this and that from time to time. Mrs. Wang was in a good mood, and the smile on her mouth never faded.

Their second room had a lot of money on hand, so they didn't spoil their daughter's happiness, and let her make crazy big purchases, and even watched happily from the sidelines.

"Ah, it's too late before you know it, let's go back quickly."

When she was carrying things into the mule cart again, Wang suddenly realized that it was getting late.

"Did you buy everything?"

Ye Laiyin knew why Mrs. Wang was in a hurry, and she felt a little unhappy at the moment. The child's mother saw that the sky was busy cooking meals for the family, so she spent so much time shopping, and she still had to worry about the work at home. It was really worrying and hard work. .

Hmph, that idiot who doesn't know how to do anything will be lazy and don't do a little work...

"Hey, it's all over."

They didn't go out from home until the end of time, they only cared about shopping happily, who knew that time passed so fast.

In winter, the days are short, and it is completely dark at the hour of You, and Mrs. Wang has to go home to prepare dinner, so it is not easy to dawdle, so the whole family got into the car and drove back home.

When the two of them entered the carriage, Ye Laiyin's face turned cold, although the child's mother is capable and doesn't care about doing some work.

But in such a cold day, the dripping water outside turns into ice, and the well water is filled with ice slag, and no one wants to touch the water. Even if it is mixed with hot water, it will not be hot for a long time. It's washing vegetables, washing rice, and washing dishes. Which one doesn't deal with water?

The child mother is really hard.

You have to figure out a way...

Just like that, Wang and his wife were guarding a small smoker in the carriage, holding the hand stove, chatting and laughing, feeling comfortable and at ease.

Ye Laiyin and Da Bai sat on the frame of the car and drove forward against the cold wind. His dog fur hat had already been put away, and now he was wearing the fox fur hat that He Xiner would buy. It was fluffy, soft and very warm.

The speed of the mule cart was more than twice that of the bullock cart. The Wangs and their mothers were chatting and laughing before they realized they had arrived home after a while.

He Xiner specially bought meat and bones for Dabai, and promised to bake cakes for him. Buttering the bones and baking the cakes took a lot of time.

Time was running out, and the mother and father didn't care about the things they bought, so they hurried to the kitchen with Dabai.

Ye Laiyin's eyes were dark and cold, and he quickly unloaded the frame of the car, and moved all the things in the car to the main hall of the west courtyard.

He Xiner is a generous person, and the Wang family doesn't search for it. They both wanted to show their filial piety after the new year, so they chose two or three pieces of jewelry for old Qian and Ye Guihua. Ruler forging surface.

To save old Qian from finding excuses to make trouble, just spend some money to buy a clean.

Now Ye Laiyin is angry that her mother threw all the work to her daughter-in-law and daughter-in-law, and doesn't want to give his mother an inch of cloth, let alone jewelry and other items.

 Ask for a ticket~
(End of this chapter)

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