The charming girl of the farm gate of crossing

Chapter 980 You are still a bachelor

Chapter 980 You are still a bachelor

He Xiner nodded like a chicken eating rice.

But Mrs. Wang's face turned redder, and her voice became softer, "Cough, cough, about finding a wife for Dabai, mother will tell your father."

great white...

Don't act like this prince can't hear you!

Cough, this is not something that can be heard or not heard at all. This prince doesn't want any girlfriend or daughter-in-law. He hasn't grown up yet~

The Tang Monk-like nagging finally came to an end, and He Xiner let out a deep breath.

It's not easy to be free at last!

Gritting his teeth, he rolled his eyes wide, the baby ate all this because of you.

So, a certain person wanted to pounce on Dabai in a nasty manner, but the other party dodged him nimbly.

"Huh? You actually avoided my sister?"

This is still Dabaitou making temper with her. Even before, he gave her occasional supercilious glances, but he never avoided the claws stretched out to her. Impatient.

"Hey, I want to escape from the palm of my sister, but there is no door."

The more Dabai dodges, the more excited He Xiner becomes, jumping and jumping, like a monkey, surrounding Dabai from left to right.

It's a pity that although Dabai has a huge body, he is extremely nimble and light. If he makes up his mind to ignore her, he won't be caught by her.

After tossing and tossing for a while, He Xiner was so tired that she was out of breath, so she had to stop to take a breath, with one hand on her hips, and the other swinging up and down to fan herself, panting, and said angrily, "I haven't married a wife yet, so I won't Get well with my sister, you should still be a bachelor."

"Cough, cough, cough..."

As soon as the words fell, Wang's violent coughing sounded.

He Xiner...

Can't you say that?
Well, from now on, I'd better restrain myself in front of her mother.

After the sauce bones were ready, He Xiner filled Dabai with a large bowl, put it in front of him, and secretly made a face, "Eat obediently, sister is going to eat."

After finishing speaking, he pointed his nose at it again and stared at it threateningly.

I will settle accounts with you at night.

The Aojiaobai old god was eating with his head down, ignoring her.

He Xin'er opened her mouth, wanting to scold but was reluctant to scold, but her mother urged her to wash her hands and eat, so she had to stare at Bai again, but at the same time she turned around and grinned.

Generally speaking, both women were in a good mood, talking and laughing, they went to the upper room with the food.

At this time, it was dusk, the evening was dark, candles were lit in the upper room, and with the firelight from the two braziers, the room was bright, warm and quite comfortable.

Ye Xusheng still didn't come back, old Ye Tou and Ye Laijin didn't know what he was busy with, but they both knew his temperament and didn't worry about it.

Xiao Qian was ordered by the head of the family not to enter the upper room, and Xiao Xuyang followed his father after a nap, playing with the big bad wolf warmly in the main room, not looking for his mother at all.

He was already immersed in his own world, and Xiaoqian's mother never taught him patiently, and even scolded him often behind his back, mother and child had no feelings at all.

So she said to Xiao Xuyang, what is a mother?
Can you eat?
Ye Laijin now puts most of his energy on his youngest son, concentrating on teaching him how to speak. When he goes hunting in the mountains, he also goes there during the nap time of his youngest son. Zuo Dabai is capable, and he can gain something whenever he goes into the mountains.

Erfang took Dabai to the town today, and Ye Laijin took a rare day off, took a nap, and then played with his youngest son full of energy.

In fact, he didn't need to work so hard. Ye Xusheng gave him a lot of money, which was enough to spend on the big house, but he always felt that it was his responsibility to raise the younger son, and he couldn't drag the older son down.

Therefore, he hid the banknotes given by Ye Xusheng carefully, and would spend them later when his eldest son took a scientific examination or got married.

As for the whereabouts of the eldest son's money, he was not worried at all, and he didn't even ask.

(End of this chapter)

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