Chapter 981
Dinner is not bad, there are pork bones in sauce, stir-fried mung bean sprouts, potatoes with rabbit meat, fried shredded pickles, millet porridge, white flour steamed buns, and baked cakes.

As soon as the pot lids on the dishes were taken away, the eyes of the old Qian who was sitting at the top suddenly lit up, and then he turned his head and accused Wang: "Why don't you cook the meat and bones bought in the afternoon?" ? Just get a Chinese cabbage for my old lady to eat! You don’t want to make my old lady feel comfortable, do you?”

Hey, this one really is!
Some people have to find fault with eating.

He Xiner was very annoyed, she had a good afternoon of fun, and this meeting ended completely.

"Since the mother is not satisfied with the food cooked by her mother, let someone else do it. There is not only one woman in our family, and everyone is about to grow hair, shrinking her hands without stretching a finger, just waiting. Eat off-the-shelf ones, but still pick and choose, where’s the face?”

On the other hand, He Xiner is in the middle of her stomach, waiting to eat ready-made people who are so picky, who have the ability to cook by themselves, eat and do whatever they want, and no one is stopping you.

Hey, her father is simply a talent. He agreed with her without saying anything, and just threw the words on her breasts so openly, haha, how happy I am!

Old Qian never expected that her casual sentence would attract such a lot of accusations from her son, and she immediately blushed with anger, and wanted to scold at the top of her voice, "You are an unfilial son..."

"To shut up!"

Old Yetou scolded in a cold voice, "If you scare Xu Yang, I will peel off your skin!"

Old Qian fell on his back in anger!

Is this old man blind?

Obviously it's the second child who is wrong, talking to a mother like her with a gun and a stick, why is she not allowed to swear a few words to vent her anger?

However, the old Qian, who had suffered a big loss before, is now easily afraid to challenge the authority of the head of the family. In addition, the public money is in the hands of Lao Yetou, and it will be the end of the year soon, and she is still waiting to get the bean picking As for wages, don't dare to offend the benefactor.

Thinking about it this way made me even more depressed.

It's really uncomfortable to live without money and look at other people's faces.

It's just that he was unwilling to expose it like this. He gave Ye Laiyin a hard look, but he didn't yell loudly, and said in a rough voice, "You just let him talk to my old lady like this? Are there any rules in this family?"

"The old man's words are rough and not rough. People who just stick out their mouths and wait for ready-made meals are not qualified to pick and choose."

He Xiner praised his father in her heart, she was in a good mood, and she gave her mother a look, which almost made Wang tense up.

Old Qian was very dissatisfied, she is a mother-in-law and can't say a word about her daughter-in-law, what's the matter?

Besides, she didn't scold anyone, and the second child just jumped out to fight her with a pale face in such a hurry, how could she take a mother like her seriously?

He Xiner looked coldly at the always domineering old lady, and changed to a bitter lover. She pretended to be sad and blamed her father. She kept saying that her father had a wife and forgot her mother. She was about to snot and cry. Secretly amused.

Why didn't I realize before that the old lady still has acting talent.

"Okay, okay, what are you talking about! It's endless, if you don't bother me, I'll be annoyed, if you don't eat, get out!"

How could Lao Yetou have the patience to listen to those coquettish accusations? It's not like he doesn't know the old woman's temper.Besides, if the second child is really unfilial, he will not be the first to spare him.

Does she still need to pretend to be silly?
In fact, the second child is a very filial and good boy. Although he has a private house to make a living, he does not miss money and buys him a lot of things on weekdays.

He couldn't bear to scold.

"Hey, the second child is going to get some wine, let's have a drink or two."


After scolding Lao Qian, Lao Ye turned his head and smiled vigorously at Ye Laiyin. The second child can talk, and this time he went back to the town and bought him good wine.

(End of this chapter)

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