Chapter 982
The old Qian Shi, who was scolded to get out, had an old face that turned green and red, not to mention how exciting it was.

But he sat and didn't move his nest.

There were meaty bones and rabbit meat on the table, and the scent penetrated into her nostrils with all its strength, causing her stomach to growl, how could she get out at this time?
So, the family ate a meal peacefully in a weird atmosphere.

Why do you say it's weird?

Because in the whole dining room, there were only old Ye Tou, Ye Laijin, Ye Laiyin talking and laughing, and the rest of the people were silent, very quiet.

The women finished eating early, Mrs. Wang went back to Xikua courtyard to burn the kang, He Xiner and Ye Feifeng played with Xiao Xuyang, and Mrs. Qian and Mrs. Qian drank tea and ate sunflower seeds in the main hall.

After the old men finished drinking, Mrs. Wang also rushed back, and was about to take He Xiner to clean up the table, when Lao Yetou said that the meals were made by Mrs. Wang's wife. No need to reach out anymore, let Ye Guihua and Ye Feifeng do it.

From tomorrow onwards, the two rooms took turns to cook, while Ye Guihua was in charge of washing the dishes.

Ye Guihua's words were like a bolt from the blue, she was so shocked that she almost didn't jump up, in such a cold day, if she was asked to wash and rinse, would she still need her hands?

Old Qian also yelled, her daughter is the life of the young mistress, how can she do rough work?

These words almost made Lao Ye laugh angrily, he is still the father of the young mistress, and he has never been idle.

"A 16-year-old girl is old enough to discuss marriage. She doesn't know what to do, what she eats, and she still has face?"

Originally, Old Yetou wasn't too angry, even if Ye Laiyin came to him to make an opinion with the premise, it wasn't a big deal after he thought about it, so he agreed casually.

In Ben's mind, he actually didn't want to have someone else cook for him, who said that the second wife and wife are good at cooking.

But I can't help that Ye Laiyin will do things, let alone the things I bought on weekdays. When I came back from Fucheng, I gave him ten taels of silver, and Wang's wife never forgot to buy things for him whenever they went to town. .

He is quite satisfied with the second bedroom family of three.

Besides, what Ye Laiyin said was reasonable, so he had the nerve to refuse Ye Laiyin's request.

In this way, he directly made a decision and divided up the work.

But old Qian's words really stimulated him. Thinking about his age, he is half a century old, and he still has to work hard for the family.

On the contrary, his daughter can't do any work at all?
It doesn't matter whether you will be a young grandmother or an old grandmother in the future, but now people are not married, and they have to do work while eating at home.

"You also said that girls are the ones who want to discuss marriage, how can they do such rough work, how can they make a good marriage if their hands are rough?"

It stands to reason that the 16-year-old Ye Guihua has reached the age of getting married, but the old Qian's wife waited wholeheartedly for Ye Xusheng to win the exam, raising the lintel of the old Ye family, and their identities also rose accordingly. Find a good marriage.

Therefore, all those who proposed marriage were rejected by the old Qian's arrogantly. Gradually, no one proposed marriage to Ye Guihua.

The old Qian didn't take it seriously, and was very complacent.

"Bah! I'm talking nonsense, Shaogen! If you don't want to wash the dishes, you can cook. Three days a round, one day for the first room, one day for the first room, and one day for the second room."

"What? Do I have to work when I'm old?"

"I don't think I'll be idle. Are you missing an arm or a leg? Can't even cook?"

Well, old Qian's has been arguing with Lao Yetou everywhere, arguing back and forth, getting himself involved, and now Lao Yetou is also arranging for her.

Old Qian was panting like a cow with anger, and glared fiercely at Ye Laiyin, the instigator.

But thinking of Erfang's rich private money, he didn't have the confidence to turn against Ye Laiyin.

 Ask for a ticket~
  Thank you in advance~~~
(End of this chapter)

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